Hello! I'm Aquoxitiri (Aquotix) I'm a new Author here on Wattpad so I might not be the best. I have an obsession with Shifters, Were-animals, Vampires, Teen Fiction, Romance etc. so most of my stories will be about those topics specifically shifters.

Currently im working on my First Story Called A Foxes Fear Once I get a few votes on that story I'll apply an update schedule

Others stories in working on are:
-Cats Eye (Shifter)
-Mayzie (Shifter)
-Star Gazer (Teen Fiction)
-The Pretty Girl (Shifter)
-Roses are Dead (Vampire)
-Rejected (Werewolf)

Have any recommendations/questions? Ask them in one of my stories I'll answer if I can |
I can also Make covers for anyone who asks! its my favorite part of creating stories I just find it satisfying |
I don't Read other peoples stories if asked nor do I give tips yet This is because I myself aren't the best author out there |

This may be updated The Break thing below will state if im on break from Wattpad I thought it Would Be efficient Lol

Break: on for long

Thanks for Reading All this I appreciate it!
  • somewhere
  • انضمMarch 22, 2021

الرسالة الأخيرة
Aquotix Aquotix Aug 01, 2021 10:38PM
K, so I have a case of what we call writers block and so im going on a short haitus I cant say much of anyhing other than goodbye for now
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Aquoxitiri
A Foxes Fear بقلم Aquotix
A Foxes Fear
Fritz is a 15 year old Fox Shifter, She's yet to meet her soulmate 16 year old Dante a Wolf Shifter?.. Fritz...
Reckless بقلم Aquotix
Lucia Parker, a 16 year old Junior and her Best friend Mandy Noreen a 17 year old Junior. Are separated why...
2 قوائم قراءة