All my stories are based on C.S Lewis's Novel 'The Four Loves'. It describes the different types of loves, Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape.
'Lost Dad' is based on Storge, the empathy love. It's common in people who find themselves being together by chance, like family. In the novel, it's explained how this is one of the most 'fragile' loves, for it's already pre-made. You can strengthen it by bonding, but theres always the love that was there that is always fragile.
'Cast Away' is about the Philia, or friendship bond. Lewis described it as "The least biological, organic, instinctive, gregarious and necessary...the least natural of loves" because we don't need it to live. It makes life a whole lot better.
I've already determined what other 'loves' will be used in the Woody fic (I'm really exited to put this out there) and the Will fic. (Still kinda iffy about that one)