
So I have a trash book if you wanna check it out. That's all, get back to your activities.


Okay so I've been asked:
          Why did Dan and Ashley name Laura "Laura" In 'Lost Dad'?
          I overthought this when I named the character. I wanted to reference Twin Peaks, because I always thought that maybe Ash and Dan would've bonded through a love for Twin Peaks. If you haven't seen the show, it starts with the murder of Laura Palmer, which also started Dan and Ashley's relationship. Laura was (no good way to word this) product of their relationship, so I thought that since Laura Palmer was such a vital character of Twin Peaks and Laura was a big change in both of their lives, it would make sense. I also really like the name Laura. I considered Audrey, Annie, Donna, and Shelly, but thought Donna and Shelly didn't fit well for the character. One of my best friends is named Annie, so I couldn't have picked that. I thought Laura would be a clearer reference to the show, even though the name Audrey is one of my favorites.


Okay, so here's the update on my current situation:
          1) Dani contacted me from CageThe1975Monkeys and explained that her parents thought my acc was hers and changed the password without telling her.
          2) I've been revising Lost Dad to tie up a couple loose ends.
          3) I unpublished the Kyle fic because it was crap tbh
          4) I have a new password and am IN
          I love you guys! x


All my stories are based on C.S Lewis's Novel 'The Four Loves'. It describes the different types of loves, Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape. 
           'Lost Dad' is based on Storge, the empathy love. It's common in people who find themselves being together by chance, like family. In the novel, it's explained how this is one of the most 'fragile' loves, for it's already pre-made. You can strengthen it by bonding, but theres always the love that was there that is always fragile.
          'Cast Away' is about the Philia, or friendship bond. Lewis described it as "The least biological, organic, instinctive, gregarious and necessary...the least natural of loves" because we don't need it to live. It makes life a whole lot better.
          I've already determined what other 'loves' will be used in the Woody fic (I'm really exited to put this out there) and the Will fic. (Still kinda iffy about that one)


Please help. I'm at a family party (in LA, Whoop whoop!) and I'm reading Sunlight by @itsoneam and I'm crying in the bathroom and someone keeps knocking. WHAT DO I DO?