My fave movies are terminator , Aliens, transformers, X-men. I, Frankenstein (cried when Adam Killed Gideon off booooo) Captian America, CA:TWS, Iron Man, Hulk , Thor, and the sequel, Avengers.
My fave shows are: AOS, Diagnosis Murder, Teen Wolf,. Heartland (which I watch it with my dad but I don't like how this season is turning out ) Blue Bloods (same with Heartland. Spartacus Because Jai was in the Frist season Grimm.
My Celebrities crushes are Sasha Roiz (Renard on Grimm), Chris Evans, Barry Van Dyke (For some one 60 he still is a fox) Ian Bohen, Ryan Kelley, Linden Ashby (Another one who is 60 something still hot) JR Bourne, Daniel Cudmore, the guy who played Dimitri is hot too. Will Estes (Jamie Reagan on blue Bloods). and Of Course The New Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) Love to read stories not good at writing any.
childhood crush: Lets just say it's the reason I loved Both captain America movies is because of cap.
The type of moves I really love is the Martial arts movies. like blade etc.
Huge fan of the movie lost boys Brooke McCarter (Paul rip), Corey Haim (Sam, Rip) Chance Michael Corbitt (Laddie Thompson) and the others. Ok as for caroons i can remember some. Like he man the orignal Thunder cats Gi joe, lazertag academy etc. Ok here is my cartoon crush list. Transformers, Bumble Bee Grimlock. Gi Joe, Duke, Dusty, Flint Snake eyes. Jem and the holigrams Rio thundercats, Lion O (human form of a lion)Tigra 7(tiger human form Bengil (a white tiger insted of black strips they are blue) Now for the Gi Joe movies, Flint and Snake eyes, Transformers Bumble Bee, Grimlock and now Dragonstorm. I wish they would have gone with Snarl a autobot wolf.
  • lake area
  • JoinedDecember 17, 2014

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Argent7073 Argent7073 Oct 19, 2017 10:46AM
Hey guess what I  made it through the  colonoscopy and I  made through the  port in-plant  operation except for a  minor  glitch.  Too much knock out gas.  I couldn't wake up.  So slept all the way...
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