
Hey guess what I  made it through the  colonoscopy and I  made through the  port in-plant  operation except for a  minor  glitch.  Too much knock out gas.  I couldn't wake up.  So slept all the way  home ate some fell asleep again.  I may take another nap later.  I'm so fed up with some of the NFL Players I decided to stop watching TV  on Sunday's.  Some of the owner won't  punish  the players. For those teams I lost respect for them.  I already lost respect for  Kapernick. 


Hey guess what I  made it through the  colonoscopy and I  made through the  port in-plant  operation except for a  minor  glitch.  Too much knock out gas.  I couldn't wake up.  So slept all the way  home ate some fell asleep again.  I may take another nap later.  I'm so fed up with some of the NFL Players I decided to stop watching TV  on Sunday's.  Some of the owner won't  punish  the players. For those teams I lost respect for them.  I already lost respect for  Kapernick. 


Hey I'm doing better today than  last week. I went to talk to my Cancer doctor  and the plan was for me to  go in Thursday of next week to get my port in  and Friday of next week  start treatment if my breast  doctor  gets back from  vacation. .  Then if if it works the 6 of November we go and see Dr.  Haggans and work out a good time for my surgery.  Yes I am having both breast  removed  since its aggressive Dr.  Suda said I should have  both removed and I am ready. 


Well sad day in music besides that shooting in Los Vegas we lost an iconic  singer.  Tom Petty was an 80 icon.  I grew up listing to his music.  I was lucky enough to get  to see him in Concert.  Do really  want to know.  He was late getting on the stage and I swear he was drunk cause I couldn't even  understand what he was saying.  


Hey,  I got great news I finally got an date for my heart procedure done it's Wed the 16 through the 18th  of next week.  If I can I'll bring my pad with me.  Then after this I can concentrate on the  cancer fight.  Am I scared of the fact that I have breast cancer. No I'm not going to let it get to me.  I fought it once and I will do it again and again and again and again. Just like the song says this is my fight song. That is my song and some others.  I already decided that if I have to go in for breast surgery  I am having both removed.  My mom and I talked about it before she passed away.  Times like this I miss her but she is is always with me. 
          Talk  later 


Hey hanging  in there.  Trying not get streessed  out.  26 I have a CT Scan and then talked to the Durham again.  I am gonna tell him before  I start treatments I have to get my heart rhythm  back nsync then new drugs hence for the 3 day stay.  I want to have it 16-18. Then start chemo.  I have decided to get both breasts removed.  I am no crazy  my mom knew I was going to do this.  Right I'm a little  out of breath.  My dam left breast hurts.  I'll fight this and win. 


@Argent7073 the Dr..NOT crazy


OK it went good the test results won't be in for two days.  I slept some when I got home I fell asleep  I'm OK now.  It did hurt.  I'm OK now.  Next is to get my heart back to normal. Witch will be two and half days.  Then I don't know what to do lol.