Just a little announcement because of course it has been a while since i last said i would be working on Ultraviolet again soon and I know we are very close to the end but I unfortunately don't seem to have any flow writing with Ultraviolet right now. I will never say i completely stopping with Ultraviolet, I love Nova's character a lot and she was my first big project, I even have sequals planned that I would like to go for in the future if and when that inspo comes back but until then I would like to apologise to any of you lovely people who have been waiting, it truly means a lot to me to see so many readers on one of my stories. I will not be stopping with writing however as I would like to start on a new project, currently I have two ideas floating about in my head, one involving the demon of lust in all her messy glory and the other a fiesty latina murderer with intimacy issues who is recruited into a gang (inspired highly by hipixel icl so thankyou for all the streamers and non-streamers on there, binging your vids gave me many ideas.) Opinions are greatly welcomed, afterall it is you amazing people who will be reading the story, both will be done hopefully but it's just a matter of which I do first, reply to this if you'd like you have your say and once again I apologise and thank you all for your patience <3

Hope you're able to find your inspiration again sometime in the future! It comes to a hault sometimes and is completely normal ♡ I absolutely love the ideas, I would love to hear more about the demon of lust. It definitely sounds like an interesting story that would be an adventure to start reading. Would love to see more of it for sure !