
I woke up to a pleasant surprise after my afternoon nap! We have a new follower- everyone please welcome @hokjr53 into the pack! I hope that you enjoy your time here on the Wattpad platform and I hope that you also take a peek at my little fantasy drabbles! 
          	As for recent news, summer has been nothing but busy for me as social media has all-new importance to businesses. (Nothing like needing to be remote that forces businesses into the internet age) but, I should have two new chapters coming up in the near future! As always, keep reading and stay awesome!


I woke up to a pleasant surprise after my afternoon nap! We have a new follower- everyone please welcome @hokjr53 into the pack! I hope that you enjoy your time here on the Wattpad platform and I hope that you also take a peek at my little fantasy drabbles! 
          As for recent news, summer has been nothing but busy for me as social media has all-new importance to businesses. (Nothing like needing to be remote that forces businesses into the internet age) but, I should have two new chapters coming up in the near future! As always, keep reading and stay awesome!


A new week, a new day, and one tired momma. But I have a new chapter for you all! Hooray for me! 
          Now, I am going to find my way to my bed and hopefully, the Sandman will come to my aid soon because I am almost to the point of the walking dead. How come quarantine is more exhausting than normal life? 
          Keep reading, and stay safe! 


Hello Wolf pack! I know that I have been MIA for quite some time, I've been busy with TWO babies and one bigger, larger, more needy child; also called a husband. BUT because of the quarentine I thought it would be fun to post some chapters and make a small return to the world of Wattpad. Because lets face it, my motivation to be creative comes from this platform. I will be posting chapters weekly again in the new, classier, upgraded version of "The Gates: Bronze" that you can start to read here:
          Happy reading, go ahead and critique away, and as always KEEP READING!


Ahem.... sorry ya'll. I have not been active. But not without cause. I have been contacted by a publisher concerning the Gates series, which is why I have been completely silent as well as not posting any more updated chapters as well. Mainly because what we are doing requires a certain level of secrecy. Sorry y'all.
          So what have I been doing? Glad you asked. I have been dealing with the struggles of mom-hood with Arryn jr. and also a 2nd baby, a boy this time will be born this March.
          In other news, my husband also has wanted to start a hunting blog so we have steadily been working on that so that we can launch on New Years'.  If you are interested, you can find it on:
          In my spare time I have also been experimenting with a website of my own that will allow me to talk about the Gate's world as well as post a few side stories, prequel information, perhaps some of the languages I have created, maps, doodles, and whatever I so desire on there. Not sure though, what would you guys want on a website if I made one?
          In my spare time, the very little that I have I've been OBSESSED with the show Lucifer. Man, such a good story. What has your go-to binge show? 
          Hope this update satisfies some of ya, as always- Keep Reading!


@Zack6898 Thanks! I hope so! I'll have to send ya a copy when I get it printed! (IF and WHEN) haha!


Holy crap! Good job getting published! The Gates is absolutely fantastic, I have no doubt you’re on your way to the best sellers list :)


Oh my, I leave wattpad for a couple weeks and WHAT. HAS. HAPPENED. So i am very late to the "you get a million notifications now" party. But yes, I am aware- I am currently trying to catch up to messages. I am hoping to have a chapter of the gates up in the next few days as well! Thank you all for dealing with my sporadic update schedule (pfft, who am I kidding? Schedule? LOL)


          Oh my God! Congrats! 
          And don’t worry about us. Take all the time you need! No need to stress, we will all be waiting as patiently as ever! (Especially given the circumstances ;)
          I’ve got no idea about baby names or anything, all I can say is try to go for a unique name. This comes from personal experience, It gets a little tiring being like the fifth Zack in every group I’m a part of, lol.
          But seriously, good for you! Despite me only knowing you tangentially from a free online book sharing service, I’m sure you’ll make a fantastic mom! 
          Once again congrats!


@Zack6898 Thank you so much! And yeah- we are thinking Alexander if it is a boy, and Mikell if it is a girl.


Special announcement: 
          So, Long story short. I am now expecting! I'm so excited! This might put some of my books on hold as this little one is draining me of any and all inspiration. But hopefully I will be able to write a lot later on to make up for my absence! 
          Comment below your best nicknames for the new little one! Due Feb. 10th! 


          Should I read it or does it contain too many spoilers?


@ArrynLupin Thanks for the advice. I will wait until after chapter 15 to read it. I love  discovering new worlds and yours looks promising.


@DebAMacD at the moment, you are not going to be spoiled too much if you read the guidebook if you are just starting on bronze. I would probably wait until you are at like chapter 15 or so though to get the basic gist of what everything is, the guidebook makes a little more sense that way. Haha


Your Gates series look extremely interesting. I can't wait to dig in. I'd love your opinion on my Haven High Series as I think we might share the same writing style. I love your idea of the Gates guide. I've been wondering if I should construct something similar.


@DebAMacD thanks for the following and yes, I love reading books! I would be happy to delve into it! Guidebooks I have found are intresting but difficult ideas. My guidebook contains things that could become spoils to the events in the first and second books. So I caution you as well, be choosy about what you discuss and when you discuss it. :) 