
Here’s a wholesome post for your day: my first experience with real snow. I’m obviously Southern, and we got hit by a snowstorm last night. Pretty much my entire college campus was outside playing for hours. There were grown men shrieking and giggling, y’all. It was so fun! We had a snowball fight in a parking lot, built tiny snowmen (could’ve built a real one, but we’re not good at that, it turns out) and made snow angels! Then I walked around campus taking a bunch of pictures! 
          	Here’s some things I learned about snow: it’s really big. You can see the actual snowflakes a lot! I’m used to snow that’s barely snow and  a few flakes falling here and there but NO. It comes down just like rain, like in the movies! (don’t mock me, I’ve never seen it!) AND IT SPARKLES? ! It’s like glitter!!! It’s so pretty! And it gets deep really quickly. We got like three inches in a couple hours. That’s more snow than I’ve seen in my life combined! When it snows hard, it gets in your mouth when you’re trying to talk! It crunches a lot but gives really easily when you jump in it.
          	 I keep looking out window, grinning and giggling like a maniac because it’s still there! AND my classes are cancelled! Hope y’all have as good a day as I had yesterday!


Here’s a wholesome post for your day: my first experience with real snow. I’m obviously Southern, and we got hit by a snowstorm last night. Pretty much my entire college campus was outside playing for hours. There were grown men shrieking and giggling, y’all. It was so fun! We had a snowball fight in a parking lot, built tiny snowmen (could’ve built a real one, but we’re not good at that, it turns out) and made snow angels! Then I walked around campus taking a bunch of pictures! 
          Here’s some things I learned about snow: it’s really big. You can see the actual snowflakes a lot! I’m used to snow that’s barely snow and  a few flakes falling here and there but NO. It comes down just like rain, like in the movies! (don’t mock me, I’ve never seen it!) AND IT SPARKLES? ! It’s like glitter!!! It’s so pretty! And it gets deep really quickly. We got like three inches in a couple hours. That’s more snow than I’ve seen in my life combined! When it snows hard, it gets in your mouth when you’re trying to talk! It crunches a lot but gives really easily when you jump in it.
           I keep looking out window, grinning and giggling like a maniac because it’s still there! AND my classes are cancelled! Hope y’all have as good a day as I had yesterday!


I hope everyone is having a happy new year! To those following Out of the Shadows, it has been moved and continued over on AO3; I will drop the link in a reply. If you don’t have AO3, but want the updates, I may upload them here after I finish it if that’s what y’all want. To everyone else- any projects you want updates to that I haven’t gotten around to or cool life updates?


I just realized that I haven’t updated In the Shadows on here since July! I’m so sorry. I’ve been cross-posting it on AO3 and had no idea I didn’t keep the updates coming here. My drafts got deleted on my phone, but I will attempt to get an update up soon, sorry about that!


hey dude, are you okay after the election results?


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 wishing you all the best over there ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for checking in though, I really appreciate it!


Well, I’m conservative, so most of my friends are happy. I, personally, don’t think we should’ve even let him run again after the January 6th debacle. I think both options were horrible. So… I’m ok. Not horrified, just… nervous. Of course, we’re just seeing who won the popular vote. The electoral college, which actually chooses- although members are supposed to vote based on their state’s popular vote- can technically do whatever it wants. So we won’t know for sure who the president will be until they vote. 


VOTING TIME! For me! But also, the US. (Go vote. Please decide who first, though.) If I get bored and do something random, do y’all want that random thing to be an update to a completely random story of my choice, or a personal lore drop? 


@Gotham007 I won’t lie to you, I know NOTHING about Stargirl but I’ma read it anyway 


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 Hey could you check out my DC story and leave comments? It's called Stargirl vs the Injustice society. It would mean the world to me if you did


I’m not dead, but I am one of 3 million people in Georgia, USA without power. Most places don’t have any cell service. There’s no internet. I had to go to a different county to post this. We still are going to be without power for at least 3 more days, at worst, maybe weeks. No timeline on internet. Schools are closed. I’m fortunate to be able to return to college soon, where we have electricity and cell service; albeit no internet.  Please pray for my state and the others affected by Hurricane Helene. It’s going to be a long road to recovery for us. 


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 I’m sorry that happened to you.Hope you and others are safe and electricity comes back on.


I don’t know if y’all will care, but Hurricane Helene is headed straight towards my college. I’m gonna go home, further away from it, but a bunch of my friends and classmates are staying. Please pray/hope for their safety, and that the roads will be clear enough for those of us going home to be able to come back Sunday. 


@PrpleLily unfortunately, a bunch of them are. They live directly in the path anyway, and figure that at least campus has generators in case the power goes down. For many, staying is the safer option. It’s supposed to die down a little by the time it hits Georgia, so we’re all hoping it won’t be too terrible. Those of us who live outside of the path bolted home at the earliest opportunities. 


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 So are your friends and classmates still there?


@PrpleLily yeah. Had a close miss yesterday when there was a tornado when we were supposed to leave campus that pushed us back 20 minutes, but we were fine. It was all the more reason for us to get home and out of the path as quickly as possible, though! 


Happy birthday to Artemis Crock, my username-sake! If it wasn’t for her, I would’ve never become one of the most popular Young Justice fanfic authors on this platform in 2019-20. (Good times!) I may never even gotten into fanfic at all! So, if you’re a fan of my cringeworthy work, drop some birthday wishes for the character who started it all!


PS- all of the old chapters of The Project are edited and posted. New chapters coming soon 


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07 Happy birthday Artemis!


If I updated The Project (y’know, that YJ fic I quit writing that was popular a few years ago?) would anyone read it? Please let me know if the answer is yes. Or honestly any of my old stuff you want to see an update on.


@ArtemisLianCrock-B07  so I know I'm like really late to respond but I was on the other side of the world without tech but I saw the updates and I am so happy (that fic was why I initially followed) (also I think its funny because so many of my fics that I read that where on hiatus or abandoned got updated) (along with the ones that update all the time) (so I'm in like fanfic bliss) (only reason I'm responding is to state this)


@Kai-shiro awesome! I’m in the process of editing and republishing the old parts now. Hopefully I’ll have a new update in the next few weeks. 