Here’s a wholesome post for your day: my first experience with real snow. I’m obviously Southern, and we got hit by a snowstorm last night. Pretty much my entire college campus was outside playing for hours. There were grown men shrieking and giggling, y’all. It was so fun! We had a snowball fight in a parking lot, built tiny snowmen (could’ve built a real one, but we’re not good at that, it turns out) and made snow angels! Then I walked around campus taking a bunch of pictures!
Here’s some things I learned about snow: it’s really big. You can see the actual snowflakes a lot! I’m used to snow that’s barely snow and a few flakes falling here and there but NO. It comes down just like rain, like in the movies! (don’t mock me, I’ve never seen it!) AND IT SPARKLES? ! It’s like glitter!!! It’s so pretty! And it gets deep really quickly. We got like three inches in a couple hours. That’s more snow than I’ve seen in my life combined! When it snows hard, it gets in your mouth when you’re trying to talk! It crunches a lot but gives really easily when you jump in it.
I keep looking out window, grinning and giggling like a maniac because it’s still there! AND my classes are cancelled! Hope y’all have as good a day as I had yesterday!