
Hey guys I have the prologue and first chapter up of my first ever original story! Please go give it a like and let me know what yall think! 


Everyone. I have come to a decision to hide all previous stories on this account and start over with a new username. 
          Now what does this mean? This means that some stories of mine will be turned from fanfiction to my own original story. (Such as the walking dead fic) other stories may just go into the abyss untill I decide to write on them again. 
          I have decided to try to write my own stories and im very excited for this <3 


To all my awesome peeps! My updating may be a little slow. My store manager got run over the other day. He is in recovery, and we are not sure how long this will last so I got promoted to temp. manager. I will be working alot of 40hour work weeks instead of the little bit I was working before hand. With that being said, I will have less time to write, but write I will. So please be patient with my updates!