
          	I meant to post this yesterday but life happened. So some updates and annoucements:
          	"Soulsearch" will be finished up next week. Along the last chapter I will be releasing the "Artiranths Author Rambles" about the story. 
          	I also plan on releasing "My Love for the Soul" the cut chapter from "Imperfect" Around Friday next week, maybe the weekend. Its been close to finished up for a good long while now, I just finally got the motivation to finish it recently. 
          	The RadioApple Omegaverse short fic "Hide and Seek" got put on hold right now I am simply not very happy with the way its coming out. I just don't like the way their dynamics are coming out,  or the story. Sorry to anyone that has been excited about it, it may still get finished once I figure out how I want to fix it or change it but I wont include it updates for now.
          	I did start working on the deaf reader X Lucifer one shot. (The one inspired by @ Lovl1zza) I am not sure of how big that one is going to get. So far the plan is for it to bein the range of "A Show in the Forest" but we shall see.
          	Hope to see ya'll at the ending of "Soulsearch" next week. Thank you all for following me a long for the ride <3


@Artiranth it’s alright take your time and I’m cheering for you and it’s okay!


@Lovl1zzaa Thank you <3 Yes, that is part of the reason I am taking a break from long fics. I pour a lot of work into those and I really need a break. I wrote over 500k words worth of fic in one year and as much as I loved it and all the support it was really a lot! Also in part because I am working on original work that I hope to publish which is taking a lot of my time :) (More details after Soulsearch is done being posted)
          	  But I still love Hazbin and Helluva and I have a few smaller ideas that wont take so much out of me, so I see no reason not to indulge in those.
          	  As I said I am not sure what will happen with the Omegaverse fic. I am just unhappy with it overall which is not something I have had happen with a work before. I had a  moment where I didn't think the work was the best it could be, but needed to get finished (Imperfect) but not a work I straight up don't like. Though it might really be just because I need a break from the source material or some inspo from season 2 or something. I generally don't like to leave projects unfinished, but you are likely to get the def reader x Lucifer before I figure out what I want to do with "Hide and Seek" sorry :( If I am going to publish something I at least want to feel like its up to my usual standards.


I’m sure it’ll be wonderful! And wow so many stories to write please take your time and take breaks I’m very excited to see what the lucifer x deaf reader mostly XD it’ll be interesting and as far as I know I don’t think there’s that many deaf reader aus it will be different for readers but I think it’ll be good I’m also looking forward for the omegaverse fic !! 


          I meant to post this yesterday but life happened. So some updates and annoucements:
          "Soulsearch" will be finished up next week. Along the last chapter I will be releasing the "Artiranths Author Rambles" about the story. 
          I also plan on releasing "My Love for the Soul" the cut chapter from "Imperfect" Around Friday next week, maybe the weekend. Its been close to finished up for a good long while now, I just finally got the motivation to finish it recently. 
          The RadioApple Omegaverse short fic "Hide and Seek" got put on hold right now I am simply not very happy with the way its coming out. I just don't like the way their dynamics are coming out,  or the story. Sorry to anyone that has been excited about it, it may still get finished once I figure out how I want to fix it or change it but I wont include it updates for now.
          I did start working on the deaf reader X Lucifer one shot. (The one inspired by @ Lovl1zza) I am not sure of how big that one is going to get. So far the plan is for it to bein the range of "A Show in the Forest" but we shall see.
          Hope to see ya'll at the ending of "Soulsearch" next week. Thank you all for following me a long for the ride <3


@Artiranth it’s alright take your time and I’m cheering for you and it’s okay!


@Lovl1zzaa Thank you <3 Yes, that is part of the reason I am taking a break from long fics. I pour a lot of work into those and I really need a break. I wrote over 500k words worth of fic in one year and as much as I loved it and all the support it was really a lot! Also in part because I am working on original work that I hope to publish which is taking a lot of my time :) (More details after Soulsearch is done being posted)
            But I still love Hazbin and Helluva and I have a few smaller ideas that wont take so much out of me, so I see no reason not to indulge in those.
            As I said I am not sure what will happen with the Omegaverse fic. I am just unhappy with it overall which is not something I have had happen with a work before. I had a  moment where I didn't think the work was the best it could be, but needed to get finished (Imperfect) but not a work I straight up don't like. Though it might really be just because I need a break from the source material or some inspo from season 2 or something. I generally don't like to leave projects unfinished, but you are likely to get the def reader x Lucifer before I figure out what I want to do with "Hide and Seek" sorry :( If I am going to publish something I at least want to feel like its up to my usual standards.


I’m sure it’ll be wonderful! And wow so many stories to write please take your time and take breaks I’m very excited to see what the lucifer x deaf reader mostly XD it’ll be interesting and as far as I know I don’t think there’s that many deaf reader aus it will be different for readers but I think it’ll be good I’m also looking forward for the omegaverse fic !! 


First chapters of "Soulsearch" are up!
          WEEEEEEE its done!!!! I will be posting Mon/Wed/Fri about 2-4 chapters depending on lengths/grouping. As stated in disclaimers I will try not to leave anyone off on any super angsty cliff hangers. 
          Future plans:
          I have a backlog of Short-Fics/One-Shots that I am working on and those will just come out when they come out. They are all anywhere from 85 to 40% complete so I have no idea, sorry. I will post updates as I have a better idea though. 
          A couple of new chapters of "Artiranth's Author Rambles" will come at the end of "Soulsearch" as to not spoil anything.
          Thank you all so much for your support and patience! Hope this will be a fun little thing for everybody as the holidays approach <3


@LivingDeliciously I decided to add a clarification in the summary of Soursearch just to make sure others don't have the same concern. I could never break them up like that but others may not know that so thank you for pointing it out.
            Its explained in the Disclaimers part of Soulsearch too, but based on stats many people skip it. Thats not really my fault though.


@LivingDeliciously Hello! Its a different timeline in the same AU. The first couple of chapters (that are already up) explain it but long story short: The Lucifer from Soulbound shows up in a different timeline and sends a different Alastor to go find his soulmate. So it happens as the result of events in Soulbound, but it follows an entirely different Alastor and different Y/n. The pair in Soulbound have their happily ever after still and you will even get a confirmations of that in Soulsearch. 
            Hope that helps!


Im a tad confused - Soul Search is a ‘sequel’ to Soul Bound? So the relationship that develops there is void because Alastor goes to search for his soulmate? Or is it like a ‘what if’ scenario? Like ‘what if’ at the end of the pilot this happens instead of the events for Soul Bound? 


Username change + “Soulsearch” updates
          Hello! Hope ya’ll had a wonderful Friday!
          First, I wanted to let you all know I have decided to standardize all my emails/usernames/pen names when it comes to my writing. So you should see my username has changed from “theladyamaranth” to “Artiranth” 
          From now on any account on here or other writing platforms that is not “Artiranth” is not me. 
          Second, the first chapter is “Soulsearch” will be posted on Monday!!! Woo!! I will be sticking to the same update pattern as “Imperfect” with 2-4 chapters mon/wed/fri. I will post an announcement once the chapters are posted as well.
          Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!!!


@Artiranth I mean, I like RadioApple fanart-wise, but I wouldn't read a fanfic about it.


@anxietyfilledfangirl well, I hope Soulsearch becomes another one in your rotation! :) I do have 3 total up now, but I know “Imperfect” is not everyone’s cup of tea. 


@Artiranth Because I found you there first before here. I found you on here by accident. I've read two of your books 3 times already.


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! And I have wonderful news for ya’ll! The manuscript for “Soulsearch” IS COMPLETE!!!! 
          We are at a total of 51 parts, (50 if you don’t count the a very short piece at the beginning) and a little over 100k words. It’s no “Imperfect” but it will definitely have some meat for ya’ll to get through. I am quite proud of this narrative and if I do say so my self, it’s definitely a fun roller coaster ride that I hope will make everyone laugh and cry in equal measure. As always, I will be taking a week or two to compulsively edit. Make sure everything makes sense and to get rid of as many typos and errors as I can.
          The book will likely be posted in the same schedule as “Imperfect” So 2-3 chapters Mon/Wed/Fri. Again, I wish I could post it all in one go like I did with my first two books, but between life and me cross posting here and AO3 its just easier for me to do a few chapters at a time. 
          I know I promised the one-shots and short-fics would come out before “Soulsearch” but that is just not how the muses worked this time. So I hope you can forgive me for that, but they will still come out when my brain decides to go bbbrrrr on those.
          Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting <3 I am so thankful for the beautiful community I have here and I wish you all the best!


@theladyamaranth augh i see why! absolutely gorgeous book literally my favourite fanfic ive ever read


@theladyamaranth oooh omg that sounds so good i’ll def be reading it!!
            and yeah!! im sorry for randomly relplying to you but i saw that post and i was just like “hey maybe there’s a hh fic here” and THERE WAS!! and my favourite too!!


@lobotomizedcaracal also BfF is my baby I can’t help but shamelessly plug it everywhere. I cried big fat crocodile tears after publishing the last chapter of that. 


Work Updates/Leak Clarification!
          So first things first I want to clarify I will NOT be changing the trajectory of my current works due to anything having to do with the leaks. In fact I have managed to avoid most of them, and intend to keep it that way. Any comments that reveal information from the leaks WILL BE DELETED if I see them.  Feel free to notify me underneath this post if you see one that I missed so I can delete them. “Soulsearch”  and other side stories will remain on the same trajectory as originally planned, using only information from season 1 and my head cannons. 
          Secondly small update on progress of “Soulsearch” we are currently at 34 fully written chapters and 72k word count wise. It’s getting there! Slow and steady haha I am hoping to start posting before new years but I wont make any promises. Also fun fact most of this book was written while listening to a “Nier Automata” soundtrack playlist XD So if you want the vibes channeling there you go. 
          I have also added another one-shot to my backlog but I have exactly 0 clue as to when/how it will come out. Its working title “Long to Hear you” and it will be a modern deaf reader x Lucifer. (inspired by @ Lovl1zzaa, who has agreed to let me use the idea) It will most likely have to wait until well after the other two as I’ve barely worked on them at all since last update (“Soulsearch” has taken over my life)
          Thank you all for your patience and support! Wish you all the best <3


@kashi1n Its the least I can do! I don't doubt the second season will be great anyways, but I do feel them. I would be pretty upset if like... a few my chapters were leaked before I was ready to you know? And thank you, currently its white peach wine but heeeyyy whose judginnnnnn XD Thank you for all your comments and support <3


@theladyamaranth When I saw the leaks I immediately told my friends to go report the videos and I did the same. It hurts me because the animators worked so hard on it. I really appreciate you not trying to change anything according to them. Anyways, remember to drink water and take care! I’m really excited to read Soulsearch, I’m sure it will be amazing! <33


@Lovl1zzaa Thank you so much! I am trying! Believe or not I have the opposite problem of most writers I know - I binge write so bad I need to force my self to not. I’ve been actively trying to take it SLOWER with “Soulsearch” because “Imperfect” took it out of me so bad. And its no where near the emotional roller coaster.  
            And I haven’t seen people be poopieheads and talk about it yet, but I figure I would preempt it, so if I see and I delete it I can confidently say they have been warned XD
            I’m glad you enjoy the stories! thank you for reading and commenting <3 it means a lot! I hope to do your idea justice when I come to it! I have a few cute thoughts about it I jotted down already which is why I backlogged it.


Work Updates!
          I have a few more chapters of "Soulsearch" done, I am currently at 26 (I actually counted) and the word count is at 50k+ already soooo yeah its going slower because the chapters are longer. All of my other books average about 1,500 words a chapter, while "Soulsearch" closer to 2k. Not sure exactly why? I think its the tone since we get a lot Alastor introspection. Still predicting the final chapter count to be around 50 so it will probably be longer than "Soulbound" but not quite as long as "Blood for Freedom" in total.
          Chapter Trivia:
          First chapter I wrote for the book: Long Live the Kinglsey
          Latest Chapter I finished: Row Row your Boat
          The Chapter that almost made me cry: What I am Allowed
          The Chapter that will make make cry when I write it: Lost and Absolutely Not Found
          Chapter I am currently working on: Scare Them Witless
          "Hide and seek" is a little all over the place with its completeness I'm just adding tid-bits when I am not feeling the emotional weight of "Soulsearch"
          "My love for the soul" I have the base conversation laid out but need to add the descriptions and stuff. Again, its all whimsy on these. 
          I do promise the short-fics will come out sometime before "Soulsearch" is done or during its post time at the latest so don't worry to much!
          Thank you all again for your support <3


@theladyamaranth Ack, thank you! And thank you for following me, I genuinely just screamed with joy at my friends and girlfriend cause you're one of my idols! I love doing all the artistic stuff I do, drawing, writing, editing, etc. but sometimes I just can't, last night I got a burst and did a lil edit that I put on my YouTube channel lol. I really like your stories, even if I haven't had the want to read anything lately. (Homeschool sucks, and my reading motivation is currently taken up by reading this one book I was assigned ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ). Thank you again, and I'll definitely go drink more caffeine >:3


@Lil_Myst3ryDevil I’d give you all I could! Just remember that writing anything at all is an accomplishment because you are already doing something many people won’t! Your stories are always worth telling and there will always be somebody else to like them! Who know who might read your story just at the right time when they need it <3 good luck on your writing and may the writing gods bless your keyboard and may you caffeine to words conversion ratio be at highest!


@kashi1n I am trying my best not to! My binge writing can be really bad sometimes haha. Thank you for all your support though <3


Your book on Radioapple x Reader finally gives me so much inspiration again on mine, but don’t worry I was already going to give you tons of credit and not taking anything from your book. I thought of mine in advance way before I read yours. You finally gave me back inspiration to start again. So I wanted to say thank you I’m finally started rewriting it again after a year I can’t say how much I’m thankful for that. I’ve been kind of writing blocked so yeah and the reason why am giving you credit is because you put me back in the swing of things. 
          PS. your book was awesome and I love the storyline.


@PurpleRosePetal Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so glad you were able to find your writing again and it makes me so happy. I my self only started writing fan fiction after reading another persons work, (Soulbound would not have happened if it was for EyeImTired’s works) so to pass that train on in someway is the greatest honor I can think of. I wish you all the best, may the writing gods bless your keyboard and may your caffeine to words conversion rate be at an all time high! Can’t wait to see your work when it is up :)


"RadioApple: A Show in the Forest" is UP
          HEED THE DISCLAMERS PEOPLE. I almost decided to leave it as AO3 exclusive, but ultimately decided to post it. Do not make me regret it. 
          "Hide and Seek" Will be done closer to the completion of "Soulsearch" as I am using it to take a breather from the angst writing. 
          "My love for the Soul" I honestly don't know. It will kinda just depend on when I get in the mood to finish it off. 
          I got a lot more of the story planned out for "Soulsearch" now though, and funny enough I just wrote the last chapter (the chapter that will be the final chapter, not the last chapter I need to write) yesterday. I'm super excited for it :) It makes the whole book worth it in my opinion. 
          Love ya'll <3


@theladyamaranth I thought it was quite amusing. It sounds like it’ll be a pretty good story. I can’t wait to read! 


@GenBloo it’s uhhh it’s a something!! I feel like it’s softer than the tags make it look but I’d rather people come in with caution and are pleasantly surprised than the other way around. 


@theladyamaranth Just read the description… and my goodness! Haha!


Upcoming Works update!
          So still working on "Alastor X Reader: Soulsearch" The LOOSE sequel to "Soulbound" previously known as "Deep South." I have about 20 chapters fully written and a lot more planned out. The story kinda got out of hand from me, it was supposed to be shorter (40 chapters ish) but I think I will be expanding it a bit. Maybe not as long as "Imperfect" (That thing is almost 200k words long) but still longer than I anticipated. (50+) Doubt anyone is gonna complain about more content though aside from the wait time. 
          I have 3 short-fics works that are in various states of completion.
          "My love for the soul": An Imperfect companion piece (kinda like puff pastries) detailing a small scene in which Alastor explains his outlook towards sex. All fluff. 
          "Show in the Forest": Was... supposed to be a VERY short smutty one shot with eldritch cryptid Alastor and human trans Lucifer. Just for me to get the rotten filth out of my brain before writing the softer sex scenes planned for Soulsearch. Turned into a LONG ASS one shot with a whole AU and lore. I am apparently incapable of not writing porn without plot. The smut in it is still debauched and dubious consent ish at first, so it may end up as an AO3 exclusive.
          "Hide and Seek": RadioApple Omegaverse short fic. It will be multiple chapter but no more than like... 10 ish. I have 7 already planned out and 4 written. A couple of smut scenes, some fluff, and a very obsessive/possessive relationship on both sides.
          Let me know which ones you look forward to most! Also how debauched of smut are you prepared for? As I am kind of starting to dip into that territory more but worried to offend some of my more fluff-centric readers. Especially since I can't tag the way I can on AO3. 
          As always, you guys are the best! Thank you all so much for reading, writing and commenting <3


They will all come out at some point before Soulsearch does! Promise! Time wise or order I don't quite know yet, kinda just working on them as wimsy comes while working on Soulsearch.
            I'm very excited for "Hide and Seek" too. It very much a Lucifer is horribly traumatized story (I just can give the poor man a break), but as a result Alastor basically takes it as his life's (afterlife's?) mission to be the best thing for him. And we all know how determined our little red cannibal deer can be.
            I would work on Soulsearch exclusively but I need a bit of a break from super long form works and something else to "decompress" with from Soulsearch. Its a much more up and down narrative as supposed to the constant upwards trajectory of "Imperfect." Just yesterday I wrote out a chapter summary and was trying not to cry. I am sooooo going to cry when I actually write that chapter. I didn't even cry when I wrote "Memories" from BfF.  XD


@theladyamaranth I like the third option the most! ^^