The second chapter of MURDER THE LIGHT is now up!
If you've read and enjoyed the first book, CHARM CITY, please consider leaving a review for it on your favorite book retailer site, like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Google Play, Kobo...anywhere you find it.
I made this book available to Wattpad readers, where we can all read great stuff for free <3 But not everyone is as lucky as Wattpad readers.
Reviews really help keep me writing. So if you enjoyed something I've written, would you please take a moment and let other readers know?
Thanks and much love!
I've been busy finishing up the final touches on MURDER THE well as doing a bunch of other book stuff:
Working on a boxed set project with twenty other authors, getting ready for it to be available on pre-order...
Getting ready for a Valentine's Day giveaway with a prize of over a thousand dollars (no fooling!)...
Arranging a one-day sale for THE HEARTBEAT THIEF in late February...
Hope you guys are all busy doing the things you love, too...