
I recently discovered that a few of my books that I have written and posted, were removed from my account. Don’t ask me how or why. Because I don’t have an answer. 
          But if you are one of those Wattpad readers that likes to archive or save books on the side. 
          ( like in a separate word document or , external Hard drive, thumb drive etc…) 
          I would greatly appreciate your help if you can help me navigate, or find the books I’ve written, and the chapters published. 
          List of books lost-
          1. Jo Wilson’s Past/ Present [ written around 2018-2019]
          2. The missing pieces of Jo Wilson [ written around 2017] 
          3. Jo’s husband comes back to find her [ written around  2016- 2018]
          4. Don’t you dare touch my daughter [ time frame written: unknown ] BOOK 2 
          5. Jo’s life story ( written around 2018- 2019) BOOK 1
          If you need a refresher, i’d be more than happy to send you a few bullet point views of the story.


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Your profile pic....it has me tearing up! I can't bear that that cow is all ALONE in that huge field. It's just like "Hey mom, I'm going for a walk- WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BELL?" and then he's all alone and, and he's just thinking of how great life could've been if he HADN'T gone into that pasture of horror! Now he has to deal with all that shit about flying trees.


He's not alone, there are more cows in the background, I wouldn't leave mr cow all alone (:


 #Relatable I hope you get better!!! Thank you for the votes!! If u ever need a friend I literally do nothing everyday Lol :-)) 


Thanks (: I'm doing a lot better now (: a few close friends noticed something was off with me and kept an eye on me, plus I now have a boyfriend who knows nearly everything so he keeps a very close eye on me. Plus I don't want to disappoint him 