
Hey everyone! I'm back!! if you all loved my two previous books, please please go check out my new one!! it's called "I love being dead..Not." 
          	thank you!I love you all!


@AshlyRivera i dont see it in your list of stories..


Mind checking out my story Gangs and Roses? Would mean a lot. I will start reading the Princess of Clarabeth!


@inspiresoulxx  of course hunnn!!! Thank you!


@AshlyRivera yhh the 'I'm so screwed' I absolutely loooved it


@XxLi-LixX I am so absolutely glad you loved it! You have no idea how much that means to me! like it made my life!  no joke! your super cool!  thank you so much xD but if you'd like you can check my other one out xD maybe it'll get your mind off the way this one ended xD


Special thanks to all you beautiful people who read my book. and made it possible for me to finish, and made me feel good. thank you so much, I couldn't have done it without you guys. like. I freaking love you. so . much.


Omg, you must be a vampire diaries fan, right? I saw the cover of "I am so screwed" and I'm just like, yay ^_^ I'm a huge vampire diaries fan, if you didn't notice haha. I'd love to hear your opinion on my stories, if you get the chance. :) thanks either way!


@AshlyRivera haha oooh okay XD but you're still awesome hehe ^_^ and thanks so much! i'm reading yours too right now :)


@ArianaElyse hey! and no I actually didn't know that was vampire diaries till someone told me haha I just searched up girl in between two guys haha I'm guessing that's what the shows about xD. 
            but no sorry to disappoint you , and of course!!! I would love to check your stories out! (: