Now you may be wondering what exactly this bio is? Well the meaning of 'bio' is 'a biography or short biographical profile of someone.' And this is exactly what it is.

On a serious note, I'm Aster and I'm 20, I like quite a varied amount of things but at the minute it's a whole host of things. I use this to write on and then upload to Ao3 where I'm under the same name.
  • IscrittoDecember 9, 2018

Ultimo messaggio
Asterspinecone Asterspinecone Feb 24, 2019 06:14PM
I am working on a few books at the minute, but shall be most often posting on the short stories book when I transfers things over :) 
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Storie di Aster
That's Skips! -  di Asterspinecone
That's Skips! -
When a new Octonaut joins the gang things seem to be going swimmingly until emotions, missions and friends co...
To you, Reginald Jeeves. di Asterspinecone
To you, Reginald Jeeves.
Bertie's discovery and memories through coping with the death of Reginald Jeeves, his valet, his mentor, his...
Short Stories di Asterspinecone
Short Stories
Short stories and general drabble, from various fandoms which you'll be able to find below. The Young Ones Re...