
@LifeIsACandyWrapper Aww thanks love! It was such an honour to make covers for such a talented writer! Keep doing what you're doing! xx 


Wew, my mind is about to explode. 
          Hey guys, I don't know if you ever read this or care at all, but I'd like to inform you guys that my weeks have been so hectic. I'm basically graduating soon and work has been pilling. I've got a long weekend that I'm going to be spending working and (still) going to school to finish up some more work. Over 90 pages in 5 days, plus projects that me and my group members haven't even started yet which is due in 6 days. And now I'm rambling. 
          *I'll try to squeeze in those covers and get them done so I can clear my plate. 
          And as for my stories I don't think they'll be coming soon. (Unless there's a demand.)  A month or two maybe. I'm trying to enter one of them for NaNoWriMo on November. 
          That's about it. My apologies. 
          Kai xx 


@DownStream I'm kind of tired of this argument and I shall assume you are as well, let's call it quits shall we and end this seemingly bitter conversation. Let's make amends and agree to disagree. I'm sure you're a great person, we may have our differences, but I'm sure we have our similarities as well, like our, (I assume) love for literature. Also, I apologise for my child-like behaviour. Hope we can put this aside and be friends, or at least even acquaintance. Have a nice day, also, sorry to hear about your boyfriend. There's still a lot of fishes in the sea though! 
          Much love and my sincerest apologies to you. xx


Oh my, It's June already. I did not realise that. To those who asked me to make them a cover, I sincerely apologise for my laziness. A lot of things had been on my plate lately but I'll get it done as soon as I can! Thanks xx 


@DownStream What kind of mockery to Spanish is "Uno questiono"???? It's "Una pregunta". It's like you want me to correct you with your
          mindless errors. And no, it's not presumptuous because you DID read, even if it's only partially or completely read. It's like you're just looking for ways to insult me. Be glad I'm holding back on my words, because just from your bio, I have a lot to say. For example, "Follow please"??? How desperate are you? 
          (Also if you did not realise, my bio has been updated.)
          I suggest you find something better to do than bug me about MY bio, maybe you can fix yours up? Or talk to your boyfriend and hang out with your middle school friends? Har Har :)
          (Look I can be sarcastic and passive aggressive too.)


@DownStream I can sense your sarcasm. What's wrong with being corrected? I'm not looking down on you or even shaming you for a simple error. Honey, never take correction as an insult, in fact, you should be happy someone is correcting you because it means they care. On another note, obedience means listening to the Lord by following his Word, aka, the Bible. Although I am sinful, just like every other person, that won't stop me from trying my best to be the person God has designed me to be. I encourage you to find out for yourself and feed your curiosity, because I can write you pages and pages of reasons why I believe what I believe, but I don't think you'd read it. Thanks for reading. If you have more questions, I'd be happy to answer them! xx


@DownStream Thanks dear! I think? I hate to correct you, but correction is essential for us to improve. It's *Where not we're (but I'm guessing that was some sort of auto-correct mistake, don't worry, we all go through that.) You may be adamant about the existence of a living God, but my faith will not be shaken. I'm not literally following Jesus, like a duckling to its mother, I'm following in the sense of obedience. But nonetheless, thank you for your much given time. You're a pretty wonderful person for taking your time to write to me! 
          Much Love xx