See y'all in hell
I'll be on the throne if y'all are lookin for me✌
  • Chilling with Lucifer down in Hell
  • انضمSeptember 13, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
AtomicToxin AtomicToxin May 16, 2019 09:24PM
I have a question for anyone who wants to answer (this might also start a fandom war). Which is better : NaLi or NaLu? Another question is Gurvia or Miraxus?
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Shinsou Hitoshi' Wife
When I get Tagged بقلم AtomicToxin
When I get Tagged
this almost never happens
3 قوائم قراءة