@cesalina96 Hi! I wrote IF Books 1-5 first, so those are the core stories that the rest branch off from. IF Book 3 (wedding chps) are the send off for Stefano’s story while IF Book 5 (NY/Giorgia Wedding chps) are the start of Sofia & Luca’s story.
Here is my recommended order:
*IF Books 1-3, full read or just skim of book 4 to read the latter NY chapters, & IF book 5, specifically the NY/Giorgia wedding chapter set.
* Giorgia’s book. Starts at same time as IF Book 1 & contains behind the scenes views of IF Book 2, Luca’s heart attack, and ends at her wedding.
* Stefano Book 1: Starts during IF book 3 & ends at Giorgia’s wedding.
* Sofia Book 1 & Luca Book 1 cover the same time period. You can choose which to read first.
Then you can move on to: Stefano Book 2, Luca Book 2, and Sofia Book 2 take place around the same time. Luca Book 3 introduces Eleamina & Antonio.
* Maniacal Hearts (Luca’s daughter story) this book contains a revelation of information regarding the Romanos that serves as the catalyst for the final Romanoverse book, that will feature 3 povs (Luca, Gavin, Stefano) after they find out about said information.
As for Amina & Giuseppe, their story is not on my roster. But, Eleanora & Vincenzo’s story is (Gav/Luca parents). And Giuseppe is in their story, right before he leaves for Europe and thus, Nigeria. So maybe while writing that story, Amina & Giuseppe will talk to me :)