
LUCA is back up to give you something to read while I’m finishing my newest book!! 
          	Eleamina’s book will start shortly, after I release my newest 2-book series. 


Hello author, is there a way to purchase your books here in Ghana, am unable to get them online. A little help will be deeply appreciated.


@KingsRzy okay thank you very much


Hi @kingsrzy Perhaps! I’m in the middle of doing a big expansion on my IF & Romanoverse series (new titles, updated covers, and added content). They will be re-released in March/April. I’ll know then (since I’ve already started pulling some off of publishing sites). 


Hi, I started reading your books on Amazon, and I've been enjoying them. The only issue I have is that they are so interconnected that I sometimes feel as if I'm missing some info. So I started trying to read them together, which has been a challenge). Therefore, my question for you is: Do you have a reading list? I know that the IFB have there own order with Gav's story, but if I have a list of the entire Romanoverse (in order), I can try to read them chronologically instead of all at the same time. Also, is there a book for Amina and Giuseppe? Bc I would love to read as far as I can in the back stories. Thank you.


@Cesalina96 Thanks for reading and glad you’re enjoying! :) 


@Cesalina96 This is a phenomenal guide. I had to do a little backtracking to follow it, but I'm now on the right path. Tysm! I love your writing!! (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)


@cesalina96 Hi! I wrote IF Books 1-5 first, so those are the core stories that the rest branch off from. IF Book 3 (wedding chps) are the send off for Stefano’s story while IF Book 5 (NY/Giorgia Wedding chps) are the start of Sofia & Luca’s story. 
            Here is my recommended order: 
            *IF Books 1-3, full read or just skim of book 4 to read the latter NY chapters, & IF book 5, specifically the NY/Giorgia wedding chapter set. 
            * Giorgia’s book. Starts at same time as IF Book 1 & contains behind the scenes views of IF Book 2, Luca’s heart attack, and ends at her wedding. 
            * Stefano Book 1: Starts during IF book 3 & ends at Giorgia’s wedding. 
            * Sofia Book 1 & Luca Book 1 cover the same time period. You can choose which to read first. 
            Then you can move on to: Stefano Book 2, Luca Book 2, and Sofia Book 2 take place around the same time. Luca Book 3 introduces Eleamina & Antonio. 
            * Maniacal Hearts (Luca’s daughter story) this book contains a revelation of information regarding the Romanos that serves as the catalyst for the final Romanoverse book, that will feature 3 povs (Luca, Gavin, Stefano) after they find out about said information. 
            As for Amina & Giuseppe, their story is not on my roster. But, Eleanora & Vincenzo’s story is (Gav/Luca parents). And Giuseppe is in their story, right before he leaves for Europe and thus, Nigeria. So maybe while writing that story, Amina & Giuseppe will talk to me :) 


Hi I can’t seem to access chapters 11-14 for your story Luca I’m sure it’s probably my app malfunctioning but I can’t click on it. Love all of your stories!


lol it’s okay I’m the same way (I’m guilty) my app hasn’t been working at all and I thought it was doing it again


Also, thank you :) 
            (And the reply above didn’t post my laughing face emoji about my laziness, lol.)


@karitempo222 No, it’s me being lazy and not wanting to re-number the entire story. Chaps 1-10 are from the published version, so I deleted the existing chapters. You don’t miss anything. I’ll make a note in the book right now! 


When will Gavin 2 come out? Will it cover incidental fate book 4 as well?


I’m not sure as I’ll be writing a new Romanoverse book that rotates between Gavin/Luca and Stefano’s POV… that stems from info found out in Eleamina’s book. And I’m really excited to get that drama out of my head, lol.
            Gavin 2 will cover books 2& 3, it ends at their wedding. I’ve written pieces, but need to get the whole thing together. 


I love your books! When is the next book releasing?


Eleamina paperback actually went live today- but I have not made the official announcement yet. Ebook should be out on Thursday! Eleamina has two different cover options which I’ll explain. But you can search Amazon for Eleamina Romanoverse or Maniacal Hearts. Her book may come to Wattpad in a bit, after a run in Amazon’s kindle unlimited program. 