
Hey!! It’s been nine months since I made any appearance on here. During those past nine months I’ve had a lot of mental health issues and struggles that have held me back from writing. The schooling system I’m in is a rigorous course, so that’s been distracting me heavily as well. Although school will still be a major part of my life until summer, I’ve been working on my mental health recently and I’ve been getting better. Before I took my unplanned nine moth hiatus some of you may know that I was in the middle of publishing another story, Variegated Supernova. I will be revisiting that story very soon, and begin writing an Act Two. Act One is still not fully published, but the whole thing was written and edited before I made it public so I might as well finish that much. Once my schedule is more free (aka when summer hits), I will have more free time to spend on writing and stuff. Also thank you so much for the engagement on A Lifetime Of Memories! I haven’t involved myself in Genshin for a few years now, but I am really glad that my work is still being enjoyed. Anyways, I can’t wait to start writing again and I hope you have an amazing day!
          	- Autumn


Hey!! It’s been nine months since I made any appearance on here. During those past nine months I’ve had a lot of mental health issues and struggles that have held me back from writing. The schooling system I’m in is a rigorous course, so that’s been distracting me heavily as well. Although school will still be a major part of my life until summer, I’ve been working on my mental health recently and I’ve been getting better. Before I took my unplanned nine moth hiatus some of you may know that I was in the middle of publishing another story, Variegated Supernova. I will be revisiting that story very soon, and begin writing an Act Two. Act One is still not fully published, but the whole thing was written and edited before I made it public so I might as well finish that much. Once my schedule is more free (aka when summer hits), I will have more free time to spend on writing and stuff. Also thank you so much for the engagement on A Lifetime Of Memories! I haven’t involved myself in Genshin for a few years now, but I am really glad that my work is still being enjoyed. Anyways, I can’t wait to start writing again and I hope you have an amazing day!
          - Autumn


Hello hello, I am back again! I've been having some weird technical issues with Wattpad recently, so the new chapters of Variegated Supernova haven't been published on the dates I assigned, considering I am posting them manually. Anyways, I just published chapter three successfully so everything should return to normal now. Sorry for the wait!
          Next Chapter Publishing: August 12th
          Following Chapter Publishing: August 15th


Variegated Supernova has officially started publishing!! I am so excited for everyone to read what I’ve been working on for the last eight months, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did working on it :)
          Next Chapter Publishing: July 31st
          Following Chapter Publishing: August 3rd


Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update on my most recent project, and I’m happy to report that things have been running smoothly! Since April I have been taking more time to sit and write, as now I’m currently working on Chapter 19! I’m not very close to finishing, however I believe I’ve hit the 3/4 mark (besides editing and what not). Anyways I hope you have a lovely day and I will see ya’ll soon!


Hello! This is my first post in 2023, which in and of itself is weird. But I thought I would come on here and say a few things, not that it’s too important. Just more of a heads up. The fan-fiction that I claimed to be working on is still in progress, and unfortunately less than halfway done. I’ve been trying to put in time when I can, but with school and my job it makes it hard for me to find that time in which I can work on it. I’ve also been dealing with some mental health issues recently, which completely changes my priorities at this moment. Hopefully soon I can clean myself up and get back on track. But the rate of which I am writing this, at this point in time, will most likely mean it’ll be published sometime in July or August. 
          I also want to say thank you for the continued support on A Lifetime of Memories! I hope you have a lovely day! -Autumn


this message may be offensive
@Autumnle4f fuck YOU WATTPAD anyways Luv ya. 


Hey! It’s been awhile. I thought after A Lifetime of Memories was finished I would be abandoning my account, partially because I don’t read anything here anymore. But obviously I am back again, a few days ago I started writing up another fan fiction and it’s going really well!! It’s not Genshin, or anything anime ish. But rather a fictional crush I’ve had, and because it wasn’t one I was very educated on the universe of I had to do a lot of research. I don’t want to spoil much, and I’m not 100% if I’m gonna publish it. I’m only on chapter 3, not very far in at all. I will keep everyone updated, but theoretically if I were to release this… expect four or five months. I don’t want to force myself to write, so stuff like this takes time. And I prefer to release the fan fiction when the ENTIRE THING is finished. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day!!!


The last and final installment/special of A Lifetime Of Memories has been published, which means I am officially done with this fanfiction. And with that, I would like to say a few things both regarding the specials themselves, the storyline & writing experience.
          The specials loosely based off of reoccurring tropes I found within other fanfictions and or famous pieces of literature along with my own ideas and narrative. Starting in chronological order of the specials, let’s talk about the Formal Special.
          The formal special I wrote and was published was not my first idea for this special, but the overall ideas were the same. I wanted to have this masquerade ball ish idea, keeping in mind the famous Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I wanted to act as if this special was a ‘Romeo and Juliet Alternate Universe’ rather than a special. As you can tell, that did not happen, and instead I took a more realistic approach. Although it is not really shown, I believe there definitely has to be some sort of special meeting a bunch of deity’s go to. Weather that’s to compare ideas or overall act more of like a business party. Which is what ended up happening, along with showing the unfortunate objectification of people and what alcohol can do to a person. Plus a cute ending where they go and visit Y/N’s old home which was sort’ve mentioned in previous flashbacks.


Next is the birthday special (the one I had just written, and the final installment), which took me ages to write. I originally wanted this to come out near my birthday in May of this year, but I ended up getting sick and everything was just pushed back. I finally picked it up, wrote 1/3 of the final amount of words and said “I don’t know what else to put here.” Just last night and today did I pick it back up and finish it, with inspiration coming from Kamisato Ayaka’s free time event where the Traveler and Ayaka go to a festival in Inazuma. Also revisiting the kimono idea when they were kids in the prologue, and the sakura shrine where they had their first official date together. And with this idea in mind I did a little bit of research, partially on what hairstyle was worn when wearing kimonos. I noticed that one of the more common and appropriate hairstyles  for kimono was tied up, so that’s what I did. Also the mention of heaven that Ei makes before they enter the festival is the reference to an afterlife or what happens after death idea. Not implying that they themselves were dead, but instead comparing it to the color and vibrancy of Mexican culture and day of the dead.
          And finally, my personal favorite, Predictions for the Future. Despite being really sad and depressing, it was really enjoyable to write action and suspense. I wanted there to be a happy ending, originally, but realized that a happy ending would be following the idea that they all lived and everything was fine. But I am no person for happy endings, and instead took the path less taken. The only other ending I was contemplating was them just fighting to death, but also realized I had many opportunities to stretch my creativity as a writer and instead created a scene that would make the reader cry or feel with Y/N. (I’m still sorry about that.


As if this wasn’t long enough, we have two more things I want to talk about. The storyline wasn’t going to go this way originally, and I took a big left turn on some decisions. There wasn’t going to be a prologue, Y/N was supposed to be a regular citizen of Inazuma with a pyro vision. You may be able to figure out where I took that left turn, even after a serious amount of rewriting and I can still identify where my old plot idea remained. But I’m proud of that left turn, if not for it, I might’ve not finished the story.
          Regarding the writing process, this took 7 months to write. Mainly because I would have these on and off times where I would write 3 chapters in one day, and then not write again for 2 months. I didn’t want to rush things, I wanted to create quality work.
          Even before then, I wasn’t originally going to publish this. I simply wanted to write it for the pleasure of writing, and with 4 other fanfiction fails I had no confidence in myself. But as I began to see my vision more clearly, I realized I wanted to share this with others. 
          The very last thing I want to say is thank you, thank you to everyone for enjoying the story I’ve created. It means so much to me that I have over one hundred on going readers on my work, and for that I thank you. I hope to see more if you on possible future work, wink wink nudge nudge.
          This is super long, I apologize. But I feel it was needed, thank you, for giving my words creation, life and meaning.
          (I ended up having to divide this giant message into 3 parts because Wattpad said it was too long.)


Hey! Small update since the specials have been releasing. I will have a third special underway, but currently my summer has been incredibly busy. I have a summer school class, a new part time job, trying to learn a language and finish a book I’m struggling to read. So unfortunately the third and final special may be seriously delayed. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I’m also sorry about Predictions For The Future. Probably the saddest chapter in the series, definitely a darker turn than what I had planned. But it’s probably some of my best work right now, I wrote Formal Event Special before Predictions For The Future. My new upcoming special will be my best work yet, and a bit longer than usual. I hope everyone had enjoyed the book, and I’ll be back when I finally finish that other special. 


To give a good estimate of how long the new special might be, I’m currently 1/3 of the way done and it’s already a little less than 1,000 words..