I don't know if people will check this but here is the reason why 'The game' has been unpublished. I had written the book when I was young, so now it's kind of hard for me to develop more ideas for it because my persepective on everything has changed and the way I wrote then is different to the way I write now. Then, it was 'get cliche things in and get a good story,' now it's kind of 'to have a good story means to develop the characters through out the story.' So at the end of this year I was thinking of rewriting the whole story based on a different problem but the romance will still be there, hopefully. I say the end of the year because I hope that at the end of this year my writing skills will be good enough for this to work. If I get told to just finish the book as it is, I will try my hardest to get it finished. If you're still reading, I hope you are okay? If you feel like ranting about life feel free to message me and rant to me about it, I might give you really weird responses though... Well, see you at the end of the year!