Don't really know where to begin. I like to write so I opened up an account to share my ideas with others, hoping to improve any way I can. So! Don't be too much a stranger and let me know what you think about my work. Is it cool, is it crappy, is it all over the place? Let me know! I appreciate any feedback because as the writer, I may not catch mistakes right off the bat. 

For miscellaneous facts, I like drawing and music. Both I am a novice at but I still get a kick out of it (lol). I watch anime and read manga, kind of bounce around everywhere in interests.
  • Michigan
  • انضمApril 6, 2016


قصة بقلم Axiom201
A New Beginning بقلم Axiom201
A New Beginning
Atmos is a battle ground with Cyclonians trying to put all the Terra's under their control. Thanks to the eff...
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