it is quite a good day. Hello to you. I am from the Sirius Book club. If you want to increase your reads and make long-time friends, this book club is for you. We want smart and talented people in our book club and I am sure you are one. Join us and be as bright as the star Sirius. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Have a good day. Text me back if you would like to join. ❤️❤️❤️
Hello, everyone. It’s been a long while, I know. How have y’all been? Good, I trust. Now, to the business of the day. I’ll be taking down two of my books titled THE HUMAN ANS THE VAMPIRE and FIXED TO YOUR HEART. For THATV, I’ll be posting back chapters of the book that is more evolved. While for FTYH, it might take another while to get it back on board. To everyone who signed up for my book club, thank you for your patience. I truly appreciate it, believe me.
Guess who is back? Pheewww... Guys, what's up?
Hello! I am Marina and I am a co-host of an awards contest. We are in need of judges. Can you please help us by judging the books for the mystery category? Thank you!
Happy new year to you all.
Merry Christmas
The Human and the Vampire just got to a hundred reads. Thank you dear readers. Without you guys, it would have never been possible
I feel like doing a reveal for my followers. What should I reveal guys?
This is for all those whose book(s) I was reading. I'm definitely going to finish all your books, I promise. I just have stuff going on right now.
@Ayanfelord I hope everything is ok with you? And take time for yourself too. ;)