
Hey everyone,
          	Just wanted to drop by and let you know I’m still alive.I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter.I really could use some feedback and let me know how the direction is working on the next chapters and hope to have the posted soon.I went back to school 3 months ago so life has gotten a bit more busy but I haven’t forgotten about you guys.
          	Happy October everyone 
          	2 weeks till Hobi comes home!!!!


Hey everyone,
          Just wanted to drop by and let you know I’m still alive.I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter.I really could use some feedback and let me know how the direction is working on the next chapters and hope to have the posted soon.I went back to school 3 months ago so life has gotten a bit more busy but I haven’t forgotten about you guys.
          Happy October everyone 
          2 weeks till Hobi comes home!!!!


Hey everyone I know it’s been a hot minute.I want to fist apologize for the lack of updates life has been kinda crazy lately.I finally went back to school,my husband is getting ready to enlist in the military and writers block has been working my last nerve.Im working on the next few chapters I have half the next chapter done but I’m any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated on what direction I should go I know what I want it’s just hard to word it.anywho just wanted to check in with all of you and let you know I haven’t forgotten about you or my story and hopefully I’ll be able to drop the next 3-4 chapters soon


Happy new year everyone.I first want to say thank you again to everyone who has taken the time to read my book and give it a chance.Im still hitting a wall when it comes to how I want to proceed so updates may be a bit longer on top of me just now getting over being sick. 
          My birthday is comming up so I'm hoping that being able to relax and celebrate will help give me the boost I need to finally dish out the next 6 chapters I've got bouncing around in my head .
          To all my readers I really do love and appreciate each and everyone of you as you give me the courage to keep writing.i hope your new year was safe and here's to an amazing 2024.
          P.s Jin comes home in June I'm so happy  


Hi everyone I know your probably wanting and update to lunar rainbow and its comming.ive been sick on and off since Oct..first I got covid that lasted weeks,started a new job working with kids and got a sore throat and now I'm sick with a nasty cold that's completely knocked me on my ass and just before Christmas too....just my luck I guess I've been working on the next 4-5 chapters but I've hit a wall so send me some suggestions it really would help me out alot.tha k you to everyone who has taken the time to read my book and voted on it I love and appreciate each and every one of you.this book is my baby and I put alot of time,tears and sleepless nights Into it.thanks again for reading 


Hey Everyone.First i want to sincerely appologize for the lack of updates and new chapters.I was sick for about a month and then I started my new job where i work on the weekends with my husband.But i do have some updates for you guys...
          So first up,I am re-writing my whole story again for Lunar Rainbow.I had major writters block and I just didnt like the direction it was going.So I scrapped it and started over i may turn what i do have into another book at another time but for now the story has more or less changed. I am working diligently to get chapters out so you have plenty to read.I really would appreciate some feedback on the story so far so i can make it better,tone it down ect. I want this to be a story everyone can enjoy.With this new re-write i have included more background information so that the story itself will make sense as i go and theres a bonus bit that ive been working on for a couple months and finally got it the way i wanted to so i hope you really enjoy that and again feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
          2)Im trying to get myself on a uploading schedual where i get at least 3-5 chapters out a week so hahah wish me luck
          3)lastly I want to thank each and everyone of you who read the last editions of my book and i hope you find this new one more to your liking as im quite proud of it. I love you all and hope you had a safe and happy halloween


Hey everyone i want to appologize for the lack of updates ive been sick for the past couple weeks with covid.I hope to get a few chapters out in the next couple weeks since im feeling a bit better so keep a look out and please share wthis story with your friends.any feedback is more than welcomed