Hai, I'm Lizzy<3

my birthday is in Febuary, so is my TWIN BROTHERS! That's right. Suck it.

I'm 20 ;-;

I'm single ._.

I play the guitar, and the drums c:

I dance

I'm only awesome when there is music playing

Me and my brother watch Dexter together because we're weird like that

My vehicle of choice is the Victory 8 Ball Hammer

I'm lucky enough to have one cx

Welp. Thats about it e.e

I enjoyed wasting your time<3
  • New York
  • انضمDecember 29, 2012


الرسالة الأخيرة
B4TG1RL B4TG1RL Dec 29, 2012 10:42PM
@ChanceMelody Psh hells yeah!
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