
I finally did it guys! It's finally out! Chapter 13 of On the Run is open for your perusal!


hey, just wondering how soon the next update on "on the run" will be.


@WindyWinter Hello! Um... yeah. On the Run.... I keep saying I will update and then I don't. The thing is, I'm a junior this year so I have AP course work, SATs and the like to worry about. That's just an excuse though :/ I have major writer's block and I can't find the motivation to keep writing, BUT I will try for you, and anyone else like you who enjoys my story, to update as soon as possible.
            Sorry bb,  I hope the other stories you are following have a better author than me.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for making you guys wait for the next update for On the Run, but I'm having some killer writer's block! I heard that trying to take your mind off of  what you're struggling to write and just writing a little story helps, so that's what I'm gonna do! So that means I'm gonna write a little story for the Sour Patch Kids Singles Appreciation Day challenge! It'll probably be done soon, so check it out. If you really like my writing style, maybe this will serve as a substitute for OTR for now. Wish me luck!


I am almost done with the next chapter of On the Run! I'm so sorry it's taken so long, I just have a MAJOR case of writer's block, that, coupled with my new, intense, school year, the only thing I have been capable of doing is vegging out watching Netflix  :/
          But this isn't a sob story! It should be posted soon- if not tonight, tomorrow!


Hello! I am so sorry it is taking me so long to finish Alice's backstory chapter in On the Run! It will come out eventually though, so I beg of you pleaseeeee be patient with me? I will keep working on it, but I just keep getting distracted :/
          I hope you are having a wonderful Summer.


hey, so I just magically came across your profile and I have one thing to say about your profile picture. ...HE FREAKING BETTER! Casandra Clare is seriously my favourite author of the moment.


Hahaha! Don't worry about the goats! They are going toward a valuable cause.


@BBQchips Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one doing it. Although I feel bad for the goats.


@CMStories Of course we have a cult! Haven't you been sacrificing your goats to Cassie's amazingness lately? And hahah :) that happens to the best of us don't worry about it!


Thanks for the follow back :D
          I love your story On the Run your such a great writer :D
          Uhhh.... I don't know if ya wanna answer but I'll ask anyway...
          How old are ya??
          Lots of love Hannah xx
          PS Could you look in my stories maybe?? :D Would be soo nice of you *-* <3


Wow thank you! I'm 15 :) and as long is the follow up question isn't 'Where do ya live?' we're good :) hahah! And sure I would love to! Any certain one you want me to read or just any?