Welcome! This is the BCCHS Literary Journal club's Wattpad account!
Everyone in the club is free to access the account to be able to submit stories, poems, artwork, etc.

When submitting work, if you are adding a title, then please format it as follows:
<Title> (Name of Person submitting*)

Ex: Fallen Snow (Bob Bob)

*If you would like to use a "Pen Name" instead of your real name, then feel free!
It should be appropriate and should be let known to the club at the very least so that we may identify you as such.
If you are using your real name, please use "First Last".

When using the account, please follow these general rules:
1) Do NOT follow, vote, comment, or add stories of people or other works to the account's library that are not in the Literary Journal club. Ask for permission to add a particular story to the account library if you believe it is beneficial or interesting for the club to read or look over. We also want to pertain to only adding stories from those in the club that may want to make their own accounts later.
2) Do NOT mess with others' works. Only touch your own unless you are a selected moderator of the account.
3) Go ahead and express yourselves in your submitted work! We aren't here to judge. There's no restrictions on what you can or cannot submit (unless it is heavily inappropriate).
4) Do NOT edit the account's bio or change anything that has not gone through the approval of any of the moderators! It has been copied, everything written here, to easily replace what was destroyed, and we know how to find out who did it!
5) Spread the word that we are here! We would love to see the community grow, both for Wattpad and the account :)

All in all, you are encouraged to use the account to share your work! We want to share everyone's stories, poems, and artwork so that everyone gets recognized. You all have potential, so let the world know who you are! :D

Current Moderators: Nick, Mr. Nino, Emily, Joey, Isabelle.
  • JoinedOctober 27, 2016