Some might call me an emo. I get made fun of a lot for the way I dress and the music that I like but if I've learned anything from living it's that you shouldn't really care what others think about you. I am a very proud bridesmaid of the Black Veil Brides Army. I would probably jump off a bridge if they asked me to. 

My favorite bands are BVB (obviously) Falling In Reverse, Sleeping with Sirens, Of Mice and Men, All That Remains, Trivium, and a shit load of others that I can't remember. I am in a band called Easy Target. I'm the lead singer. I can sing in 13 languages and I play the piano, clarinet, and the oboe.

I'm the kind of girl who isn't afraid to publicly embarrass herself or others. I'll do whatever I want when I want and nothing anybody says can make me afraid to be myself. I wear black skinnies and band shirts more than anything. I have these amazing pair of boots I got at the thrift store for $2 and I'm really proud of that. They make me more than 6 feet tall which is pretty cool. I have black hair with blond, pink, and purple streaks.

So I hope you enjoyed all that pretty much pointless information about me and who I am. Love ya! <3
  • Your head
  • InscritSeptember 11, 2012

Dernier message
BVBarmygirl123 BVBarmygirl123 Jan 12, 2013 08:06AM
haha so am I ugly for a boy???
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Histoire par ᴡᴡᴡ
We Stitch These Wounds par BVBarmygirl123
We Stitch These Wounds
Kari was a normal outcast until she met Jake Pitts of the Black Veil Brides after walking into a pole. Will t...
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