Uhm.. guys?
I spemt the whole of dinner planning how to k!ll my sister and hide the body..
The topic started with me forging my moms signature. Then somehow went to who's side my mom would be on if i k!lled one of my sisters, then it went to the murd3r!ng and hiding the body..
Me having gender crisis and then realising that since 3rd class I've thought about cutting my hair, changing my name and being a boy—
I swear, its final. I'm Ray and I'm he/him.
@BabyPhoto_143 last time i did it didn't go well though, but those were different friends for the most part, the one that did support is still my friend so..
I've been thinking about it recently, without telling anyone, and it kinda keeps bothering me when I'm not ray. So, for wp and insta friends I'm Ray. Maybe I'll come out to irl friends soon..
Its that time of year where my mental health declines rapidly, i get gender crisis 24/7. This usually lasts like oct/nov until like may? And then its back in june and then usually I'm grand for like July August September unless something happens...
@BabyPhoto_143 sameee
i think it's because you're around family all the time. they deadname you (if you have a deadname), they comment on your weight, they force you to eat more than you want to, and you hardly ever get alone time!
Okay so, you can bleed to death/ die drom blood loss, right? So has anyone died from having their period and if not, why hasn't anyone?
(Its 1am, ive been thinking of thia all day, may be stupid but yeah
@BabyPhoto_143 your body would physically stop you from having your period/releasing the egg before it became possible
it's just one of those things that your body does that stops you from dying!