
Hello, hello! I've come out of hiding to make a small announcement! 
          	I'm still undecided if I want to continue my writing journey here on Wattpad. On that note, as of today, I am starting to post on the amazing Tapas app/website. My first story is the rewritten/edited version of The Devil's Rose so if you're interested in that here's the link to my Tapas Profile:


Hello, hello! I've come out of hiding to make a small announcement! 
          I'm still undecided if I want to continue my writing journey here on Wattpad. On that note, as of today, I am starting to post on the amazing Tapas app/website. My first story is the rewritten/edited version of The Devil's Rose so if you're interested in that here's the link to my Tapas Profile:


It's been a wild year ladies and gents, but I hope you've all come out mostly unscathed.
          I personally am still undecided where I stand with Wattpad but I wanted to stop by and give you all a little happy holidays:
          I hope you all have a wonderful time with whatever you'll be celebrating this week and a wonderful new years. Please continue to say safe though. The pandemic is far from over and now more than ever everyone needs to do their part. Have fun but please do your part to keep everyone safe during the holidays 


So I said I had an announcement coming with where my head is at with Wattpad. It's a situation where I feel like one really cares but I feel like I have to say it. So. Here I am. 
          It's no secret that Wattpad has a lot of issues and I've been dealing with them for a while. My biggest issue of late is the fact that they took away the Forums. If you didn't know, I spent a lot of time there making friends, looking for advice, promoting my stories, and in the end, I was starting to get feedback for my stories so I could make them better for you guys. That's gone now and it feels like I'm kind of left with nothing. I have no real, easy ways to promote stories, get feedback, get covers and graphics made. It sucks honestly. 
          Which leads to my largest issue. Wattpad just doesn't feel the same anymore. Everyone's vying to get into Paid Stories or be a Star (which are great goals to have) but I don't want that as much anymore. I want to self-publish and do things my way. I also don't really fit into Wattpads box of romance and bad boys and fanfiction anymore so I feel like I don't have a place here anymore.
          So, this leaves me in limbo where I'm unsure if I want to keep posting here purely for the potential of growing a fan base and getting feedback/critiques...or if I contact those who I already know and new friends that I've made asking for help.
          I suppose the only thing I can really say is we'll just have to wait and see how I feel when my newest WIP is being written and/or completed. Even then I'm not sure I'll be sure where I lean. I'm just...unsure about a lot of things.
          I'm sorry if this just seemed like I was rambling, I just needed to get this out of my system. And if you've read all of this, thank you. It really does mean a lot to me that you took your time out of your day to read what I had to say. I hope you're all doing fantastic even in this insane year, let's finish out this year strong ^_^


It's such an amazing day today as we welcome our new President Joe Biden and the lovely Vice President Kamala Harris. So I am here to bring you the final piece of The Devil's Rose. This is the Epilogue you've all been waiting for, I hope you all enjoy it and thank you all so, so, so, so much for reading and voting. It truly does mean so much to me that you've been enjoying my story and my characters, you're all absolutely amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day!! 

          P.S. I will be making a semi-serious announcement in the next couple of days about where my head is at with Wattpad and the direction that I want to go with my writing so if you're interested please keep an eye out for that.


If you never look at any of my announcements, please do look at this one:
          If you have not already, get out and vote! Do not be intimidated by Trump's cult, do not skip out because you don't want to stand in a long line, and do not just ignore what's happening. This is history in the making and this election will make or break the United States so let your voice be heard!


I know everyone I know voted and if they didn’t I pressured them to 
            But if they really didn’t want to I respected there decision and left it alone  


@Goddess_of_Hearth If you have any friends or family who are 18+ and haven't voted, encourage them to. Every little bit helps ^_^


I am not 18 I wish I was though 


Thank you all so, so much for getting Our Little Secret to 100k reads! It genuinely means a lot to me that so many of you have/are enjoying it because I genuinely never thought that this would happen. You're all absolutely amazing and you mean the world to me ^_^