
I know almost no one reads these but my university was just shot up in an active shooting incident. 3 are dead, 5 more are injured, and the entire student body is traumatized. Myself included. I hope you all are safe on this Valentine’s Day and I ask that you be patient with me while I allow myself to heal from this trauma.
          	It might take me a very long while to update again, but I will do my absolute best for my readers. 
          	All the love, 


I know almost no one reads these but my university was just shot up in an active shooting incident. 3 are dead, 5 more are injured, and the entire student body is traumatized. Myself included. I hope you all are safe on this Valentine’s Day and I ask that you be patient with me while I allow myself to heal from this trauma.
          It might take me a very long while to update again, but I will do my absolute best for my readers. 
          All the love, 


          So, for those of you that have been around my account for a very long time, you will remember Artistic Preference, my very first publish on this account. Anyways, AP is getting some serious editing this weekend as it is severely outdated in terms of my writing style. Not only that, but I think it's been about two years since I last updated it, but fear not I hath returned to show my only BTS Fic some love once again. For those of you that are now curious about Artistic Preference I am very sorry, but you will have to wait until I publish her parts again. That's right, all this dancing around and now I'm finally getting to the point of this announcement. AP is getting unpublished as I do some slight editing. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and please do check out my other works while you wait for the newly updated version of Artistic Preference to return. (Lmao, look at me talking like you guys actually read these)


Hello, my lovelies!
          Another MPM update is in the works! Consider it my Valentine's day gift to you. If you just can't wait, I just published a new book that will have slow updates, while there's only one chapter at the moment, I promise it's interesting! Check it out if you'd like.


Hey, Homies!
           So, uh, I'm gonna be taking the ACT tomorrow. (For those of you confused by this  because I'm already in college, I'm taking it for when I transfer to a four-year uni.) However, because Mors per Mare is getting a RIDICULOUS amount of love and new reads every day, I'm going to try my absolute hardest to update MPM tonight. SO look forward to it!


Low key shook about the love that people are giving Mors Per Mare. It warms my heart. Not a lot of people have read it but it seems that those who have enjoy it. Which makes me so happy. It’s my favorite book to update as you guys can probably tell. (Because I update it a lot) but anyways another Artistic preference update is in the works if you’re waiting for that. Love you guys! <3


Okay, so if you’re even reading this, (I don’t think anyone does) I have another update! 
          I don’t know if anyone noticed but in my description, Sharkbait was moved from in progress to idea status. But if you did, this is because Sharkbait had a major issue that I didn’t even realize until a few days ago. I will continue reworking and try to get that up ASAP. 
          Once again, if you guys check my description thing regularly, which I don’t see why you would but oh well. You would have seen the appearance of Artistic Preference. I’m gonna say it right now, that book is going to be so fun to write. I hope a lot of people check it out. I know it’s a pain to read books that don’t have a lot of parts but the reads would really encourage me to write more. 
          Anyways as for an update on my situation during this big pandemic scare, I’m staying safe at home and I hope you all are staying safe too. Make sure you remember to wash your hands and try not to touch your face. I know social distancing sucks but I’ll keep writing and hopefully the chapters will keep your boredom at bay for a minute or two!