I am disaapointed in what America has become. I no longer live in a country founded on freedom and religious persecution. I live in a country where a white man can dictate to its citizens who can enter the country. Trump has started his presidency poorly by banning immigrants, Muslims and refugees, from entering this country. Some people can no longer see there loved ones who are green card holders because of Trump's ban. I don't understand how some white people can think that they have a right over this entire nation just because of their skin color. Trump doesn't understand that immigrants make up the entire country and his wife is one of them. He's not making america great again, he's turning back to the old ages and bringing back the lack of unity between its citizens and government. There have been many protests going on around the world in the choices our new president has to make and the government has overlooked what the people want. I'm not able to support our new president with the ways things are going. I hope all you white people that voted for him end up regretting it because I don't think America would survive the next 4 years