I'm a romance writer who loves fierce heroines who know what they want and go after it, but also vulnerable and broken ones that learn from their past mistakes and grow stronger. Memorable male protagonists (the good, the bad and the ugly) are inevitable, because they make me squeal in delight, my heart flutter, and my cheeks blush. A happy ending is not a must, but greatly appreciated.

30s * mom to four * married to my dream guy * lover of love * hopeless romantic * lover of stories * weirdly excited about the smell of books * lover of music from all sorts of genres * lover of late night swimming during the summer while staring up the sky to look at the clouds, stars and the moon until fingers and toes shrivel up like an old prune * lover of food * Food is life y'all * speaks 4 languages and is eager to learn a couple more * tea over coffee anytime * always replies to reader comments *


A writer is a world trapped in a person. - Victor Hugo


My books:

oOo - Brave Enough to Love Again

Status: completed on 4th August 2019

oOo - Brave Enough to Try Again

Status: ongoing


Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. - William Wordsworth


Follow me on Instagram: CalliopeBlythe
(Account opened: 6th August 19)


© Copyright 2016. All work is the property of Calliope Blythe, any duplication or reproduction of all or part of the work without permission from the author is illegal.
  • Utopia
  • RegistriertSeptember 10, 2014

Letzte Nachricht
CalliopeBlythe CalliopeBlythe Aug 22, 2020 01:21AM
Hello lovely readers!It's been a while since I have left a message on the board. I hope you're all healthy and safe. I just have to announce a small change in one of my works. "Paradise Lies" is n...
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Geschichten von Callie
Brave Enough To Love Again  von CalliopeBlythe
Brave Enough To Love Again
I stood with my back to her, shielding her, and my murderous eyes stared down at the poor excuse of a man, pr...
Brave Enough To Try Again {On Hold} von CalliopeBlythe
Brave Enough To Try Again {On Hold}
Megan Roberts is a strong and independent woman who pursues whatever she wants in her life, a go-getter. Howe...
Brave Enough To Love Again (Restricted Chapters) von CalliopeBlythe
Brave Enough To Love Again (Restri...
All the steamy scenes/chapters of "Brave Enough to Love Again" can be read here. Warning: for matur...
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