
Sorry there haven’t been any new chapters, it’s nearing the end of my school year and I’m really busy doing school work and what not, sorry again


The next disposal chapter SHOULD be out by tomorrow at some point, if it's not that just means I either
          A: had to rewrite the whole thing again (I've rewritten this particular chapter like 3 different times ) 
          B: I was to busy/drained from school to work on it
          C: I slept the whole day and didn't have time to finish it 
          But if all goes well, the next chapter will be out tomorrow!! Hopefully you'll like it!


Thats perfectly fine!! I’m so sorry it keeps crashing on you! >:0
            I hope all goes well!


Just wanted to thank you guys for the support on my Disposal book! I know it isn't exactly top tier work but I am still glad you guys seem to be enjoying it! Thank you! <3 <÷)3


It IS top tier work, how dare you
            And no problem!! It’s honestly coming along brilliantly and we can’t wait for the next update!
            Oh but absolutely take your time if you need it