
Hewp I had an age regression in math class!


I’m crazy lol  


An ailen spaceship of course XDDD


@Demi-fire-Cat What? Where did you come from?


Just read "Cotton Ideas"
          PART II
              Do cut down on the emoji use. Do sound rude. Do keep your footing. Do be harsh. Do no be afraid. Some people really like that.
              You come off as weird while socialising? There is an etiquette to be learned in social interactions. Watch some good movies featuring respectable characters. You might learn something from them.
              A simple internet search reveals that cupcakes got their name from the measuring cups used in their baking.
              No day for celebrating depression? Well because depression is a negative and a bad thing. You do not celebrate those kinds of things. It would come off as weird. But! There is a "Depression Day" where people remembrate it. October 5th.
              Heh... I do know of a man that hates the taste of real bananas, but absolutely goes nuts at the slightest mention of artifical banana flavour. Banana ice cream, banana gum, banana smell. He is the reverse of you, just in bananas.
              A simple internet search reveals that Kirby is from "Planet Popstar".
              "Why is a Raven like writing desk?" Uhhh... What...?
              Besides that last blech of random and incoherent sentence, This was a fun read. It read like a kid's diary, which was super sweet. Although, I do not know why you felt the need to split this into chapters. It all was quite short. Would have looked better if it was one big block of text.


And thank you for sharing your opinion ^^


Cupcakes: That’s really interesting:D
            Depression Day: OMG I had no idea!
            Bananas: I don’t actually eat bananas XD
            Why is a raven like a writing desk: a through the looking glass quote I think lol


Just read "Cotton Ideas"
          PART I
              And it is exactly what it says it is. Random single sentence thoughts about random things. So, let me give my random thoughts on these thoughts on random things.
              Therapy is for losers who cannot even manage to figure out their own identities and cannot even understand their own feelings. So they are in need of a second party to tell them what they are, and tell them how to think. And you are terrified of these, personality taggers? Why? They are just as clueless as the people they are -oohh soo- helping. You do not have to befriend every stranger your path crosses, you know... Don't overshare.
              Ah, I like suicidal literature too. What could it take for a man to commit the ultimate insult towards himself? To take his own life? They are quite fun to read.
              The seawater irritates your eyes? Uhhh... Keep your head up? Maybe?
              Lemonade is acidic. And I do like acidic and sour things. But you don't? bummer...
              How could you find comfort in the company of strangers rather than in the company of friends? Didn't you just said that you were terrified of sharing your thoughts with people you do not really know? "Con-tra-dic-tion". And just in the second chapter!
              Tokyo over Paris? I cannot even be bothered to  walk over to the next classroom over. Good for you I guess.
              You wish to be a cinnamonroll? No I do not wish to be turned into weird random dessert fillings. I'll pass.


Just read "I need help ". And...
              I, think, it is a collection of scrapped drafts of an actual story. A schoolgirl gets abandoned by her own family and gets tooked in by her aunt. The dialogue written in bold letters are clearly her "Demons" talking. And the dialogue written in italics her her own inner monolouge. And both of them are herself, talking to herself.
              As I said, these feel like just drafts. So I cannot really review the non existent plot of the thing. But I can critize some things that I found, annoying. There is only one. The Demon says, "LOL". People do not say lol in real life. That was annoying.
              And that's about it. Ah, and I liked how the girl, after she finds her homework difficult, calls herself "a Baka". A fellow weeb. 
              Maybe it was a good thing that this proto story got scrapped. I do not think it was going anywhere interesting.