
To my dear readers: 
          	It's been a few months, and from the last time I updated you all on things with me, there's been a rather new development, and its a good one this time. 
          	See, for the past 3 years, my wife and I have struggled to have children, be it for one reason or another, and on August 13th this year, I found out I was 6 weeks along. I am not 23-24 weeks pregnant and while it's been a journey, it explains why I wasn't feeling my best for a few weeks. I will not tell you folks the gender nor the name of the baby because that is frankly private information, and with the amount of psychos and perverts online, I don't trust it. Just know that we've been calling the baby Tiny Tyrranid because of my wife's love for Warhammer 40k, and that it felt applicable. The baby is due in the spring, so if between late march early may I seem out of it and distant, that's why. 
          	I hope you all are just as happy for us as we are, and respect the boundaries we have. -Caos


Ok...So I'm just reading this now with proper eyes that aren't sleep deprived...and the amount of spelling/grammar errors I have in this piss me off. The amount of times I wrote 'not' and meant to write 'now' is so annoying and the fact I can't fix it just makes it worse. And honestly, its an apt description of just how messy being pregnant is. About the only time I wrote 'not' and meant it was the gender and name of the baby. 
          	  The sooner the Tiny Tyrranid is born, the better. LMFAO.


@BanefulBard13 I feel I knew it. Relax. You won’t have to worry. I won’t tell anyone


To my dear readers: 
          It's been a few months, and from the last time I updated you all on things with me, there's been a rather new development, and its a good one this time. 
          See, for the past 3 years, my wife and I have struggled to have children, be it for one reason or another, and on August 13th this year, I found out I was 6 weeks along. I am not 23-24 weeks pregnant and while it's been a journey, it explains why I wasn't feeling my best for a few weeks. I will not tell you folks the gender nor the name of the baby because that is frankly private information, and with the amount of psychos and perverts online, I don't trust it. Just know that we've been calling the baby Tiny Tyrranid because of my wife's love for Warhammer 40k, and that it felt applicable. The baby is due in the spring, so if between late march early may I seem out of it and distant, that's why. 
          I hope you all are just as happy for us as we are, and respect the boundaries we have. -Caos


Ok...So I'm just reading this now with proper eyes that aren't sleep deprived...and the amount of spelling/grammar errors I have in this piss me off. The amount of times I wrote 'not' and meant to write 'now' is so annoying and the fact I can't fix it just makes it worse. And honestly, its an apt description of just how messy being pregnant is. About the only time I wrote 'not' and meant it was the gender and name of the baby. 
            The sooner the Tiny Tyrranid is born, the better. LMFAO.


@BanefulBard13 I feel I knew it. Relax. You won’t have to worry. I won’t tell anyone


this message may be offensive
To my dear readers: 
          I'm not going to be posting new stuff for a while or writing anything really because I'm going through a lot. Just a quick preview goes as thus: 
          I haven't had a therapist since February, and it doesn't look like I'll be getting one before the end of December. Because of this, it's made having BPD, C-PTSD, ADHD, and Autism impossible to live with, and has made writing impossible. I am doing my best, but I am so burnt out and tired from the constant mess that is my mental state. Then there's the fact that my wife, @AlexiMcNathair1207, has been lame with an unknown skeletomuscular problem since January and we have no way to figure out what's actually wrong with her, so she came on here to post her OG stuff in the hopes of having something to do that feels rewarding like a job and have it not really go anywhere. And to make things worse, we are trying to buy a house in this shit ass economy so we can get out of the HOA hell our apartment currently has. And this is just the tip of the shit iceberg of my year.
          So, as you can see, I am tired, burnt out, and fried. I've tried and tried to start an OG project now for months and just can't because I'm too damn drained. I hope you can understand that I want to write, but I physically just can't, and I won't post but my best work. I'll still edit old shit from time to time, but nothing really new coming out any time soon. 
          Thank you for your patience, tolerance, and kindness. 


To my dear readers: 
          It has come to my attention some of you don't know when I'll update something I haven't touched in a while. Let me help you understand something about me. I have ADHD, Autism, and C-PTSD, meaning my memory is shot and my ability to focus is crippled. If I haven't touched something in a while, assume until I get to it, it won't be updated. I have quite a few stories to get to, some needing more work then others, some I'm going to inevitably delete in a purge, and some I just haven't touched due to getting writers block on that story. I'll get to my stories when I get to it. I can't be rushed, demanded, asked to work on something I have no interest in. I know this isn't the best situation, but I have to do my best with what I got. 
          With hopeful understanding, you will eventually get something from the titles you love, I just can't be bothered sometimes with the old stuff because it means going back, re-reading it because I don't remember, fixing things that feel outdated and refresh it a bit, then adding new stuff onto it takes a whole day to do. I have 108 works, and I have quite a few drafts. I know my completed works are buried, and I'm sorry for that, can't be helped, but they are in there, I swear it.  
          So if you'll just be kind and have a bit of patience, I'll get to it when I can and when I'm in the mood to work on it. 
          Thank you for your time.-Caos


I completely understand this. I actually deleted my attack on Titan fic that was getting popular quick in 2020 when I started (I was 16, so I really didn’t want to rewrite it) but it’s hard to be motivated even if lots of people like it. I also have C-PTSD, ADHD, and Autism (among a few other things) so I completely get it. I adore your works and your reasons are 100% valid.


@BanefulBard13 I understand you on this and send good vibes your way.


this message may be offensive
This is a notification to all of my readers: IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, DON'T LIKE GRAPHIC CONTENT, OR ARE SIMPLY A FUCKING TROLL, LEAVE MY SHIT ALONE! One of my stories got taken down for guidelines being broken when I know for a fact it didn't. I am livid, not about which story got taken down, but the fact it fucking did in the first place. If you have an issue with my shit, either message me first and we can discuss things like the adult you're supposed to be, or you can walk away! Both options are better then being a coward and reporting shit just because you didn't like it or found it offensive. disrespectfully, to the person who did this, leave my work alone, block me, and don't bother me ever the hell again. I don't know who did it, but you should be ashamed for it. I am a grown ass adult who comes here to help process trauma, trauma I might add, that I know I'm not alone in feeling and wanting catharsis for. These are stupid fanfics about grown ass adults doing grown ass shit. Don't like it, fuck off.


Hi when will you update The Tepes Legacy, All it take is a talk, Cursed reflection and A hellsing legacy


@JamaicaLove99 To be rather blunt: When my ADHD and Autism let me. I get busy with other stories and the " new story bug" bites more often.  I'm sorry I haven't touched them in a long time, but they are giving me writers block. I don't know where to go with them, and no, I don't need advice for it. My wife is a writer, and she helps me with my stories when I ask. I highly suggest you go read her stuff. All her stuff is original and brand new, and very similar to what I write. You can find her @AlexiMcNathair1207.


this message may be offensive
Heyo, my lovely little readers! I got a big announcement for all of you, and it's not about me, but about my wife! She is amazing woman who has been through a rough go of it. 
          My wife is the rock in my life and the most lovely of souls I know, and I cherish her wholly. She, like me, is an author, but unlike me, her shit is original work! She works hard, and does her best and works her ass off on this stuff, and bonus points: I'm her chief editor/go to person when it comes to getting ideas or getting help with edits and such. She works so hard and I genuinely would appreciate the hell out of all of you if you'd go and show her books some mad love. It is for adults, not for children, so if you're on my page and under 18, politely fuck off, and the same goes with her. You can find her stories at @AlexiMcNathair1207. This would mean the world to her, so please go give her some love.  thank you and I'll see y'all on the flipside!


Hey, im just here to say that I won't be writing because I lost my guinea pig, Seraphina, this morning, and so I won't be writing at all today. I'm taking the time to mourn and grieve. I don't want thoughts and prayers, but please, hug your pets, love them, and show them extra attention because you never know when their last day is. I thank you for understanding, and wish you all a better day then mine.


@BanefulBard13 that is very sweet. Dave the stories what you are doing for later. I am positive sure things will be turning out much better to think about a happy memory you have. And it’s my pleasure for cheering you up as a fellow and friend


@powerpuffdigimon123 thank you for your understanding. Im an artist in my free time, and i fully plan on doing an interprative peice on my sweet girl. 


@alexsismindina thank you for your understanding, and as fellow cat parent, i understand that stress. 


Hey guys, it's ya boy, Jay, and I have a bit of bad news to mention. It's nothing too serious, but it'll be an explanation why it seems like lately, my heart just isn't in it with my stories and my writing. also, here's your trigger warning now, because it's gonna get a little personal and upsetting. 
          So, as a wee lad, my mother ditched me and left me when I was 5, and for the past 21 years I have been trying to slave away at making a relationship with her work, but she's a narcissist, and doesn't truly care about anyone but herself. I've been trying to please a woman who just can't be impressed by me, wants nothing to do with me, and actively puts my little brother before me every time. That last one doesn't sound bad, but it is, I promise. I am going through a bit of the grief cycle because I've made the choice to finally and permanently cut her out. If it's an emergency, she can of course get a hold of me, but other then life or death nonsense, I want nothing to do with her. This nonsense has been affecting my writing a lot, and it's been making my attention span be all sorts of wonky. Once things settle down and go back to relatively normal, my writing should improve and I might even finish a few more stories. 
          I'm not asking for anything on your guys end, other then patience and understanding. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories, and I will see y'all on the flipside. 
          And with that, my bats, cats, and serpentine friends, I shall bit you a fond farewell, and a very happy Pride month.


I hope things get better for you soon <3


Heyo, its ya boi, Jay, and I feel like i owe yall some explination. So, yall have more then likely noticed i am horrible with updating my stories and getting them finished, but have no problems banging out new stuff. 
          Reason for that is simple: im autistic with adhd and executive disfunction has a vice grip on my attention span as well on my ability to finish projects. New stuff:Fun
          Old stuff: how bout no
          I will get to it...eventually. i promise that much of it will get done eventually. I know its fustrating, but please understand i do want to, i just cant make myself do it. 
          And with that, i hope my bats, cats, and serpentine friends have a wonderful new year. 


Heyo! It's ya boi, Grim, and my internet is back on line! I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that I can get back to writing normally instead of using Notepad on my laptop. I will definitely get back to work asap now that I have the ability to do so. I thank you wonderful bats, cats, and serpentine friends for not only your kind comments on my last post, but for your patience and understanding. And so, without further adieu, let's get on with the show!