
Just a heads-up for anyone who's interested in an effort to cut down on confusion... I Intentionally Changed the spelling of my username, so no, I ain't been hacked or anything like that.
          	It's still pronounced the same way, just spelled differently–"Bean Sidhe" is the Gaelic spelling of "Banshee". Don't ask me WHICH variant of Gaelic, though–I wanna say Irish, but I'm not sure and don't feel like doing the research to confirm that at the present moment.
          	~Bean Sidhe


Just a heads-up for anyone who's interested in an effort to cut down on confusion... I Intentionally Changed the spelling of my username, so no, I ain't been hacked or anything like that.
          It's still pronounced the same way, just spelled differently–"Bean Sidhe" is the Gaelic spelling of "Banshee". Don't ask me WHICH variant of Gaelic, though–I wanna say Irish, but I'm not sure and don't feel like doing the research to confirm that at the present moment.
          ~Bean Sidhe


Consider me logged out and offline for the foreseeable Future. I ain't gonna have Time to write–not that I've had much inclination to, nor Success with such an endeavor lately–after the ultimatum I was given early this Morn. Writing and being social're gonna be the last things on my mind for a while–and to be quite honest, I couldn't care less.


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@WestHamBabe Don't worry about it, sugar, 'cuz I usually am, too. I just used to try not to show it online as much, but now–well, that shit Ends today.


@BansheeMoonsong I have always been a pessimist. Sorry when it bummed you out.


@WestHamBabe Ya know, I used to look at some of your comments and have to immediately look away, 'cuz they were so pessimistic... But these Days, I find myself agreeing 100%–my Life can't get any lower than rock bottom unless it goes over the edge of a submarine ravine. Sucksta have to admit that, but it's true–and there ain't a damn thing that's gonna Change it at this point.


Just to update anyone who's been even the slightest bit curious...
          I'm slowly, but surely on the mend from that abscessed tooth... The last couple Days or so've been the best in about a week, but I'm definitely not back to what I like to call my 100%–might take ANOTHER trip to the ER to accomplish that, unfortunately. We'll see when my antibiotic runs out in a couple Days or so–I'm hoping I won't have to go that route, but I don't wanna overreact, 'cuz the meds I was given aren't working as fast as the last Time or anything like that.
          In the meantime, bear with me–like I said, I'm on the mend and waiting a bit before I jump to conclusions. I also have a couple other thingsta take care of offline before I can put any Thought toward writing again, my Health or lack thereof notwithstanding. Once those things're taken care of and I'm back as closeta 100% ass'd I'ma be, I'll see how the Muses treat me–and my Creativity.


For anyone who's been concerned/curious, regarding my post from a few Days ago...
          I DID wind up going to the ER after I wound up running a fever so bad, it was making me kinda delirious and the pain got so bad that I spent half the Night crying in my living room. I'm taking my meds like a good girl, but unfortunately, they don't seem to be doing much good - not like they have when I'd this happen in this Past.
          I'ma CONTINUE taking my meds till they run out in a few Days, then decide whether or not to head BACK to the ER. Could just be that they're being slower to kick in, 'cuz this round in the boxing ring's a lil worse, so to speak. Unless I absolutely NEED to go back, I don't wanna, but only Time'll tell me true. I also have to wait for my mom to have another Day off so her truck doesn't essentially wind up abandoned in a hospital parking lot, if I wind up being admitted.
          Just bear with me, and hopefully, I'll be back to posting at least on occasion soon!


I just wanna let anyone reading any of my stories–whether they've been updated recently or all but abandoned at this point–know that I may not be posting much for the next few Days. I've had a lot going on offline, and one of those things includes some dental problems.
          At the moment, some of my teeth're hurting bad enough that a trip to the ER may be inevitable, if I don't start feeling better soon. Pain this bad makes it all but impossible to sleep or eat, and thinking–whether I'm actively writing or not–ain't any easier. Just bear with me, and hopefully, this particular problem'll clear up on its own sooner, rather than later.


@WestHamBabe Yeah, now ya see why I say a trip to the ER might be inevitable. I've been through this a couple Times before - gotta clear up the infection CAUSING the abscess before I can even remotely decide whether or not to actually have anything done about the root problem, 'cuz without doing that, no dentist'd even see me. Doesn't mean it's pleasant in the meantime, whether it clears up on its own or needs medical intervention.


@BansheeMoonsong wow. That kinda pain might make me go to a dentist myself


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@WestHamBabe I hope so, too, hon! I think I got about 3 hours of sleep last Night, 'cuz every Time I'd halfway doze off, shit like Advil and Excedrin'd wear off and my teeth'd LITERALLY start throbbing again! And I'm talking all the way up through the roots into my nose - Helheimr, my lips were swollen on one side when I finally gave up on trying to get any sleep this afternoon!


Hey there, folks! For anyone who's aware and been wondering, no, I haven't abandoned the account I made and have been running for @Starelf555! In fact, I just posted a few more chapters of her story–"One Step Ahead"–on said account a few minutes ago! Enjoy what I added tonight, and I hope to have more posted in the coming Days!


Hey there, folks I just wanted to give a heads-up to the followers of my best friend, @Starelf555–as well as my own–before either of us have to start fielding a ton of questions!
          There's now an account by the username of @Starelf555Remade floating around due to some problems she's been having with her current account recently! She'll eventually be taking over it, but for the Time being, it's currently managed by me and I'm giving her a bit of a head-start by getting one of her completed stories up for her due to Time constraints on her End!
          A couple others that're still in progress'll follow sooner or later, hopefully sooner than we anticipate! In the meantime, nobody's stolen any of her stories and started reposting 'em behind her back–she's given her full permission for me to get 'em reposted in her stead due to those aforementioned Time constraints!


Consider ANY AND ALL unfinished stories discontinued and most likely abandoned at this point. I may or may not update my rant book later on with an explanation as to why - it's just NOT gonna happen right now, simply 'cuz I don't feel like doing it.
          And I highly DISCOURAGE inquires about why in the responses on this thread - I don't wanna talk about it at present, and I can't guarantee that any responses from me won't be anything short of rude and downright bitchy for a while. This is my problem, and nobody deserves my lashing out at 'em, so I beg y'all to heed my warning henceforth - and if y'all choose not to, you've already been duly warned.


Just a heads-up to the few who're reading any of my works–especially any of the WIPs... I finally got the last of the massive book order I made recently today, which included the first in a series of novels I've been wanting for a while now. There's 10 books in that series, as of right now, and I Intend to start reading it once I get the next chapter of "Q&A" uploaded to the other sites I post on.
          To that End, I'm prolly gonna go radio Silent for a while other than MAYBE commenting on others' stories that I'm reading. I've been going stir-crazy waiting on this one book to arrive, and now that I have it–well, I can't get my brain to focus on anything else. It might even be Inspiring and make me wanna write something else, depending on how good it is.
          To that End, Time to go crack open "Summer Magick"! Happy reading and writing, y'all!


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            I now correct myself to say that I'm about to start Chapter 22 the next Time I pick up my book... LMFAO!
            Yeah, I stumbled across the "Paranormal Series"–Goddess, it HAD to've been over a decade ago... I think I was around 15 when I found the first of that series–"Forbidden Magick"–in my Birth Creature's stash. I was so "young and innocent" that I didn't even realize it was a smut book at first–and I didn't give a shit, even when I DID figure it out. *grins*
            When I stumbled across the "Thorne Witch" series, the cover of "Summer Magick" looked eerily similar to "Forbidden Magick", and it didn't take a geniusta figure out that it was about Witches... As a Witch in my own right offline, it seemed intriguing, and I vowed I was gonna get my hands on the series sooner or later, come Hell or high Water... If the rest of the books're as good as "Summer Magick" is turning out to be, it'll be money well spent, that's for sure!


@BansheeMoonsong cool. My mom used to love to read romance novels & Janet Daily was her favorite author & I'd get her any new books Janet put out. Then she discovered that Janet had done a bunch of novellas, so to speak, each one set in a different state. One year I wound up getting her all the ones she didn't already have over her bd, mothers day, christmas. Searched a bunch of used book stores to find them all. I think christmas was a box of almost 25 paperbacks to complete the entire set. 


            Make that Chapter 11 that I'm about to start... LOL!
            And it's called the "Thorne Witch" series by T.M. Cromer. It came up as an ad in my FB feed one Day, so I looked it up on Amazon. Seemed pretty good when I found it–a lot like the "Paranormal Romance" series by Cheynne McCray, if I'm honest–so I got my hands on the 10 books that've been published so far the first chance I got.


Just outta Curiosity, y'all... IF I should lose my mind enough to start yet another story, despite my numerous WIPs–which's a mighty big IF at this point–which would y'all rather see first, if at all? A work revolving around a serious accident and its ensuing recovery, or something more along the lines of an AU wherein some familiar faces're in a very unexpected line of work that still gives 'em their adrenaline fix?
          I'm entertaining the notion of doing both at some point. But aside from a basic premise for each, I got nothing yet, so I could start either one first. And finishing or discontinuing my current WIPs that I ain't had any ideas for in a while is still up for debate.
          Lemme know what y'all think, and we'll see what happens. In the meantime, I think I'ma take a bit of a hiatus, 'cuz I'm sure that's the biggest reason why I keep starting stories strong, then wind up head-butting a brick wall with 'em way too soon.


            Oh, I know the importance of taking a break when necessary. I also know that I'ma lil too flighty for my own good sometimes due to being an Air Witch. I don't wanna leave a story hanging for so long that I forget where I originally Intended it to go & have to basically whip-stitch together an Ending like I did a few Years ago on "Hell Hath No Fury". Leaving that one sitting to the point that I completely forgot about it till someone messaged me about it left a bad taste in my mouth, & I don't wanna sample that flavor again anytime soon, so to speak.
            I'm headed off to bed myself, so we'll catch up later. Buona Notte, e Sogni dolci, ragazza! 


@BansheeMoonsong don't beat yourself up! Real life gets in the way of things plus sometimes your imagination hits a bump in the road. Road blocks just give us a chance to see different things. Eventually these detours will lead us back to the right road. Those who are along for the ride realize that and are will to wait.
            Least that's what I think.
            Heading to bed now. Starting to storm here (again) so trying to get to sleep before it gets too bad.


            I hate to hear about that, sugar! I don't usually suffer from "2 left feet syndrome", or anything even closeta what happened to you, though–just achy joints & a mutinous left hip. But I manage to keep sledging on, which's the important part.
            I'm just sick of starting a story that means quite a bit to me, then hitting such a metaphorical road-block. And don't even get me started on any readers like yourself that I'm no doubt leaving hanging by their ankles in a Bear trap, so to speak, with every story that either gets more & more infrequent updates, or simply discontinued altogether without warning.