Welcome to my page! Strait jackets're on the left, meds on the right, and for the love of Bobby, keep your hands off my crayons! Consider yourselves welcomed - and warned.

I'ma rebel without a cause. Although I can be better described as a fallen angel, of sorts, my head can most oft be found in the Clouds, and I'm not your typical author. My works tend to've a bit of an insane, sometimes morbid side, but they most oft revolve around some softer aspects in Life.

Any comments and feedback're welcome, but please, don't bug me to update if a story ain't complete - it may cause me to get Writer's Block and be unable to finish the story at all.

In addition to that, ask anybody who knows me decently enough, or has read enough of my works in the Past - I usually DO NOT put trigger warnings on full books OR individual chapters. This is due to the fact that pretty much EVERYTHING I write gets tagged as "Mature". If ya click/tap on a book with a "Mature" label, that's all the warning ya need thatcha may not be able to handle some of its content.

The ONLY exception I make to that rule's when certain content's particularly gruesome, 'cuz some things can get in even MY head in a bad way - and I'ma pretty thick-skinned chick. Beyond that, read at your own peril, 'cuz you've been warned.

A few things about me to help give Insight to my personality're as follows:

- I'ma literal Witch who loves all things rock 'n' roll. My works likely do or will feature many Fantasy elements alongside the Musical.

- I'ma small-Town girl with big-City Dreams. Completely contradictory, I know, but I'm nothing BUT a book of contradictions.

- When I say I love all things rock 'n' roll, I mean it. I listen to mostly hair metal, and it's rare that I listen to country or any other genre.

- And lastly, I'm morbid, cynical, sarcastic, at Times dramatic, maybe even a lil - yeah right! - crazy. I'm also loving, caring, respectful, loyal - to a fault - and true. Are you?
  • Álfheim
  • Se ha unidoDecember 5, 2013

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BeanSidheMoonsong BeanSidheMoonsong Oct 08, 2023 08:37AM
Just a heads-up for anyone who's interested in an effort to cut down on confusion... I Intentionally Changed the spelling of my username, so no, I ain't been hacked or anything like that.It's still...
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New World Sasanaichs de BeanSidheMoonsong
New World Sasanaichs
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Escaping the War (Sequel to Pardoned on the Peak) de BeanSidheMoonsong
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