
I have been dead for a h~o~t minute


I'd like to sign a petition to turn no into yesnt


Oh my chicken nuggets same. That would be so confusing and so much fun. I would make one myself but then again I have yesnt idea how??


Hey everybody! I got a new chapter of my book out yesterday!! I was in a good mood last night and wrote the next one! I also wanted to say I know I made a few mistakes in the book especially with the timeline and things I forgot I wrote. But I’m trying to figure out how to fix them and I have an idea where I want to go with it so be ready for the next one it’s gonna have some action and sharpshooter Lance!! ;)


If you were dead, I wouldn't be at your funeral... Because ID be in jail for killing the person that killed you! We are true friends, we Ride/Die together. Send this to anyone you care about including, if you care, see how many times you get this! I want you to know that you are amazing! And your my friend until death and forever  if I don't get this back i understand, but I have a game for you, you must send this to 15 other people including the person who sent you this, if you get at least 3 back you're loved!