Young. 19, smart , enjoy reading , and love singing:)...I love the authors Omar Tyree , Carl Webber.
..Check out my book called "Unrevealed ", by the way its for all ages but mostly adult content.
  • RegistriertMarch 4, 2013

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BeautyRushXX BeautyRushXX Jan 12, 2016 04:15AM
Hey to all my followers. I've been pretty busy. But I wanted to let you all know, I haven't forgot about the books. Unrevealed is currently being worked on as I speak. And 18 years is still being wri...
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Geschichten von BeautyRushXX
Unrevealed von BeautyRushXX
A woman who haves her mind and lifestyle already thought out. She lives it with no regrets or concerns. she...
18 Years von BeautyRushXX
18 Years
Based upon true events About a woman named Bernice who thought she found the love of her life. Until she tied...
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