
What is going on in our world right now?! We all need to stand up for people who are getting KILLED just for the COLOR of their SKIN!! God gave you and I a voice so now is the time to use it. Please I encourage you to spread awareness of the things going on right now. It is SO wrong and it disgusts me. Please stand up for what’s right! #blacklivesmatter


What is going on in our world right now?! We all need to stand up for people who are getting KILLED just for the COLOR of their SKIN!! God gave you and I a voice so now is the time to use it. Please I encourage you to spread awareness of the things going on right now. It is SO wrong and it disgusts me. Please stand up for what’s right! #blacklivesmatter


Can I just say that this past weeks has been a roller coaster. One of my favorite people have passed away. Corey La Barrie has passed away. It was and still is a tragic incident. However, I encourage everyone to stay strong especially his family. I pray for him and all of his loved one. God has another angel. #blueforcorey