
Y'all, I really love the Olympics! Lmao. I be waking up at the ass crack of dawn just to watch some random sports that I have no idea what the rules are nor do I know any of the players. Hell, I may have never heard of the countries playing, but I don't care. Imma still watch it and root for whichever team got the most black players. 


Y'all, I really love the Olympics! Lmao. I be waking up at the ass crack of dawn just to watch some random sports that I have no idea what the rules are nor do I know any of the players. Hell, I may have never heard of the countries playing, but I don't care. Imma still watch it and root for whichever team got the most black players. 


Being a Normani, Megan, and Chloe fan is so freaking hard sometimes. They literally don't bother anyone, yet there's always some damn duds who should have been left in a sock that always got something to say. 


@Beymanisrockets I actually love rereading it, so that way I’m able to catch things I didn’t before or to just enjoy how good it was. I’m really excited to see where this goes !!


@famousbloopers no problem! Thanks for being patient! I know yall already read most of this stuff before. I just want to make sure I edit what I can now before I finish the book. I got some emotionally charged stuff planned for the upcoming chapters (chapters after chapter three in the oneshots book). 


@Beymanisrockets lol you’re good!! You really been feeding us, so I can’t even be mad. I completely understand! Thank youuuuuu


The second chapter of The Rowlands coming soon! 


@famousbloopers imma update it tomorrow. I decided to add a new part. 


Megan was literally so cute and funny on Family Feud tonight! I'm glad they beat Neyo's bald headed ass. 


@famousbloopers hahaha Yes! It never fails to crack me up. 


@famousbloopers I agree! Lol. All I see when I look at him is the picture of someone who drew his face onto Dora the explorer's. Lmao. We all definitely noticed! 


Besides The Brave Omega, which other book do yall want me to update?


@Dojabailey oof it's been over a year since I've updated that one. I'll get started on an update. 