
          	Hiii thanks for the follow!


k here's my next question : I stand when I'm sitting, and jump when I'm walking. Who am I? Hint:I live in Australia! Well most of the time! Also please try not to cheat and go search it up on Google cause then its no fun! k please and thanks!


@Beyonce2535  i thought a kangaroo haha


okay all u people out there I'm doing a contest ! YEAH! THE CONTEST IS: I'm going to  give out a Question and hint ,(their random questions) and  you have to try and get the answer! EXAMPLE: SOMETHING AN ANGEL WEARS? HINT: BEYONCE SONG! The answer is the song Halo by Beyonce! See its simple! If u know the answer than send me a message or post it on my wall or text in ur  answer on a comment in my book please and thank u!:-)


@lolmere1234 um yeah I kinda just said.....wrote that! but Im glad u know what I'm talking out! BTW I'm about to post my next question!