
Hello lovelies! 
          	I know I'm probably in the doghouse with most, if not all of you, for not updating in forever, and I am so sorry for that. Especially since I think I told you guys that I was going to update and then didn't. 
          	With that said, I am officially getting back into the writing spirit. This is probably the worst time for me because this is my first year at college and finals are coming up but who cares. I've been feeling the urge to write so I will. Fair warning: ADCT probably won't be the first story updated. I have a story that I wrote in middle school that I'm rewriting and my other stories that I've posted on here. 
          	I will get to a ADCT. I'm not sure when, but I will. I had a moment of inspiration and wrote down a lot of story ideas that would have spurred maybe the next 2-3 chapters. Unfortunately, when I got a new phone I lost those notes and I don't remember what I came up with. I'm also thinking about changing the name because the story is going in a different direction from what I originally imagined, so if you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to let me know. I love hearing from you guys.
          	Sorry for the super long message but thank you to everyone who has stuck with me, and I hope to get these updates out soon. 
          	Love y'all,
          	Bilauta (=^x^=)


Hello lovelies! 
          I know I'm probably in the doghouse with most, if not all of you, for not updating in forever, and I am so sorry for that. Especially since I think I told you guys that I was going to update and then didn't. 
          With that said, I am officially getting back into the writing spirit. This is probably the worst time for me because this is my first year at college and finals are coming up but who cares. I've been feeling the urge to write so I will. Fair warning: ADCT probably won't be the first story updated. I have a story that I wrote in middle school that I'm rewriting and my other stories that I've posted on here. 
          I will get to a ADCT. I'm not sure when, but I will. I had a moment of inspiration and wrote down a lot of story ideas that would have spurred maybe the next 2-3 chapters. Unfortunately, when I got a new phone I lost those notes and I don't remember what I came up with. I'm also thinking about changing the name because the story is going in a different direction from what I originally imagined, so if you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to let me know. I love hearing from you guys.
          Sorry for the super long message but thank you to everyone who has stuck with me, and I hope to get these updates out soon. 
          Love y'all,
          Bilauta (=^x^=)


Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in a while but I promise I will soon. I seem to have misplaced the paper that I had scratched some notes onto but once I find that a new chapter will follow. 
          Love you guys,
          Bilauta (=^x^=)


Hey guys so I've just gotten back from a month of no internet while I vacationed in Jamaica. So if you left a comment I will get around to replying within the next day or so. 
          Thanks so much for reading and liking my story and feel free to give me your input on how the story is going, what you'd like to see happen, etc.
          Love y'all,
          Bilauta (=^x^=)


Hey guys! I know i've been gone for awhile and that was because I couldn't really find an urge to write because I felt like no one really cared. Recently, however, people have been voting and i've even gotten a few comments. If this continues I may have to push out another chapter. I monitor this over the next month or so and by the time i'm out of school {June 13} I will have decided on whether or not to upload the next chapter.


Hey guys, so unfortunately I'm going through a bout of that awful illness known commonly as writer's block. D: 
          If any of you guys have any ideas for the next chappie please feel free to share them with me.
          Thanks guys,
          Bilauta (=^x^=)