
Hey..can u juss clear out . In the part of The Revelation...in which u said dat Leo and Aira goes to McDonald's and share der thoughts ..at dat time Aira mention dat leo plays drums and Leo also does same vid Aira saying she plays keyboard so good ..After dat Aira mention dat her mother wanted to see as growing musician ..yup dats good one ...but she also mentioned dat after hers mother death she is fully devoted to music.....so dis means Airas mother is dead ryt...but in other parts u mentioned her mother is der so......I didn't get whose mother died an all..


@Akashi234 Heyyy I'm really sorry for the late reply. I've been inactive on Wattpad lately. So Aria's mom is actually dead. And it's her step mother that I've been mentioning in the further sections. Really sorry for creating a confusion there. I'll make sure I'll pin it up in the A/N of the upcoming chapter. Thankyou for reading :))❤