Are you ready to read stories so scary your dreams escape from your Very mind?
Didn't think that was possible? That means its already started.
Welcome to us.
We smile when blood falls
It means life is still intact but...funny enough ending soon.

Note: All things here are subject to privacy, we may or may not have altered stories for the safety of others. Anything that is similar to real life events is purely coincidental.
Even if we are describing your real address and social security number we assure you * coughs while laughing.Passes note to friend with mouth wide open* I can't do it you read it instead!
Not to mention we have your account on this page as a link and the whole world knows you have boyfriend no mind to that.
  • EntrouNovember 7, 2013

Última mensagem
Bloodiesmile Bloodiesmile Jun 11, 2014 01:41AM
I feel strange
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