

@BloodyTurtle OMG! I have the exact same theory that authors can see into different universes and that's why we're special. And that why we can't see all events of a story sometimes is that those events are still happening and the future outcome of them isn't clear! People think I'm insane because of it, but who cares... ♥️


Important announcement!!
          I wanted to tell everyone that I’m republishing everything from this account. I will not be continuing anything since this is my past self, but I want everything to be up as a sort of way of remembering what I once was. This account was very important to me last year, but now I’ve moved on to @CannibalisticNecro 
          I hope you all enjoyed me as @BloodyTurtle, but that phase is now over. If you’re interested in my current standing point as an author and graphic designer, be sure to check out my new account. You’ll see how much I’ve improved. 


Enter the Necro Community Tag Fest for a chance at prizes! It’s located inside our booklet “Join the Necro Community” under “•Tag Fest•” 
          We offer great prizes from our members for first, second, and third place winners. Anyone and everyone can join. 
          The prizes per place are:
          First place:
          Four reviews
          One graphic 
          Two dedications
          Three shout outs 
          Second place:
          Two reviews
          One graphic 
          Two dedications 
          Two shout outs 
          Third place: 
          One review
          One graphic 
          One dedication 
          One shout out 


I actually like this update. I don’t get the fuss. What’s the point of following someone if you don’t look at their stuff? And is it really so hard, or are people just whining over change?
          Other social media also notify people for any posts by people they follow, but Wattpad does it, and everyone hates it since everyone on this site only cares about themselves and people reacting to themselves. 
          Does it take so long to get through notifications, people? Does it really? Or do you just not want to take a few minutes of scrolling? It’s really not hard whatsoever. 
          In fact, I actually love this function. I can scroll to the bottom and work my way up, reading through what’s going on in our community. It brings us together, can’t you people see that? Even if I don’t comment on each one, I do read through the feeds of everyone. Why can’t you guys do the same and actually involve yourself in the community?
          Get your heads out of your a**es and... I guess put it in others’? Yeah! Put it in others and see what’s going on in theirs! 
          Please guys, realize how beneficial this update is. Instead of whining and moaning, embrace this and see its benefits. Try to learn of each other! You all want others to see you instead of looking at them back! But now we can all look at each other and provide support, which is long needed here of all places where we are trying to embrace ourselves and show people what we have in our souls. 


@BloodyTurtle  I like this update, too. I can now actually know what the people I follow are up to.


@BloodyTurtle hahaha. I have no idea what the update is anyone is whinging about, but thanks for a good laugh early in the morning 