It's so bad of me to keep posting these, and then never actually doing the things I say. Although, in the last message I posted I mentioned the DeanxJames book- Wolfie and I are currently in the works of writing more to it, we had a little mix up on my google account and it somehow got to school idk, it was weird, so I had to take it down for awhile on my account. Anywho, I have come up with a new story! I wanted to add a NEW fanfiction of a NEW person to the collection! Do I have any Markiplier fans out there? WELL I'M ALREADY GREAT FRIENDS WITH YOU THEN. I've watched Mark for forever, but lately I've taken a really big interest in him. He makes me smile everyday ♥ Don't worry, I still love Kendall. He's always going to be my boo, my angel. But, I might write a MarkxReader story. I have some type of plot outlined in my head to a certain extent, so I hope y'all are ready!
The reason I haven't been writing is because I've focused more on my art pathway. I'm going to be graduating high school in two months on top of two AP classes (the one being a zero hour), two college courses after school, and just ten tons of stress was weighing on me. I'm really sorry. I've promised a lot of things, and I haven't don't them. But, I will. Because I love everyone who's been here patiently waiting and those who love these stories as much as I do. Next fall, I know college doesn't require you to be in class alot, so I might have some extra time around my art projects going for my major to write some things down. As soon as the first week of May is over, I will FOR SURE write somethings. My AP classes and my College classes will be done for my senior year, and it's smooth sailing from there.
Sorry to bug you guys with my troubles, but I needed to provide a REASON, not an EXCUSE!
Thanks for sticking with me. Even tho I've been a butt. :p
Much love, y'all, see you soon.