
I have my first day of school tomorrow so I might not be very active. I will unfortunately be putting all my books on hold temporarily.


Hi! I saw that you entered your story in for the 2019 PJO Watty Awards. If you do not already know @PJO_WattyAwards seems to have disappeared and left. So I volunteered to take up their account. So this is the new account for the PJO Watty Awards. If you want to reenter your story you can. Just thought I'd tell you. It was under a different username so I hope this is you.


GUESS WHAT? I had a horse show today and I was in three shows. Ya girl got second place twice, first place once and it doesn't stop there. SECOND PLACE IN MY ENTIRE DIVISION! This was out of like 5 or 6 other horses btw.


Yep. Plus this show wasn't as big, so the horses weren't as nervous.


See!! I told you you would do better next show!


So I have a horse show tomorrow and at the last show my horse was SO hot the entire time. She was was tired and slicked up with sweat, but my mom won't let me skip the show because she spent hundreds of dollars on my stuff for it. Somebody please convince me that I'm not a horrible person by forcing my poor pony to be in this show.


Thanks for the reassurance! I needed that.


You’re not a horrible person. I’d probably feel the same way as you, but just think, you can spoil her rotten!! Carrots, apples, hay, water, pasture time, loving pats, etc! 