- Fish are friends, NOT food!
- Freshman of high school!
-ßlue is my favorite color, hence the name ßlueIsTheTrue.
-♥ reαding
- I love the stars~ ★
-§upport is what I like to give people.
- I can be crazy, mean, and weird.
- Music is life! ♪♫
- Đon't forget... Food is life too! ☼
- Đon't touch MY food!
- I ♥ my ƒamily!
-I can't write for a long time or my pinky will swell up.
-I write with my right hand but prefer to play sports with my left hand.
-I ♥ running, tennis, and basketball. Plus a lot more.
- ÝOU are amazing.
- You're brightening ¤ my day~♡
-Quotes are my life!
Favorite Quotes!
- In order to achieve, you must believe.
-Ýou can't have FAMILY, without ILY. ♥
-Ñothing is impossible. The word itself says, I'm-possible.
- Łove is not a test, so why cheat?
- Đon't Forget To §MIL€ and be HAPPY!
- Çarpe Diem! = §eize the day!
~Words of Inspiration~
- Ťhat boy you punched in the hallway today, committed suicide a few minutes ago.
- Ţhe boy that you called lame, he works every night just to support his family.
- Țhat girl that you pushed down the other day, she is already being abused at home.
- Ťhat girl that you called fat, she is already starving herself.
- Ţhat old man that you made fun of for having scars, he fought for our country.
- Țhat boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying.
- Ýou think you know them? Guess what? You DON'T! Re-post this if you're against bullying.

- Haha! That's it...for now. ßut, thanks for reading this far! There is only ONE thing TO do, THREE words FOR you, I love you!
  • Sleeping, Working, or school
  • JoinedApril 11, 2013
