Living out my roaring 20s and sorting through the unfinished stories I have hidden away.  
Finally, with the love and support of my amazing husband, I've decided to revisit all my old works in progress and try to finish one of them.

By posting for others to see I'm hoping to hold myself accountable for completing my work and maybe, if I'm lucky someone along the way might enjoy what I put out there.

Florida girl
Fur Mom
Determined aspiring writer with too many ideas scrawled on an absurd amount of sticky notes
  • انضمFebruary 4, 2021


الرسالة الأخيرة
BlynnHedge BlynnHedge Dec 06, 2024 04:43AM
2 new chapters for Encrypted Emotions! I got to take a week off of work and managed to write about 14,000 words and quite a few chapters. I am still reading over the chapters I finished before posti...
عرض جميع المحادثات

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Encrypted Emotions بقلم BlynnHedge
Encrypted Emotions
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Chasing Zenith
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