Hey everyone~! I wanted to give you all a bit of a life update real quick and let you in on a little secret I've been slowly chipping away at for the past week or so >:3c
I've graduated college!! My degree requirements are complete, and I'm currently waiting on the registrar's office to open again after summer break to have it processed and finalized. (Never be ashamed if you have to take a little extra time to finish, because finishing in itself is such a huge accomplishment! College is HARD!) Ya girl is an English major, but you might've guessed that considering my favorite hobby and pastime.
And for the secret... there's always been something that bothered me about the way I ended What Is Home. It seemed so silly despite the deeply disturbing and scarring topics I employed within the story. Looking back on it now, I can only cringe and be grateful for how far I've come since my freshman year of high school. Well, that and one other thing: thanks to a recent trip down Nostalgia Avenue, I've had a burst of inspiration to rewrite the ending entirely! It isn't quite done yet, but once it is I'll be adding a new chapter to WIH and posting it for you all to enjoy :D
I know most of you came to follow me because of my Hetalia stories, and even though I no longer consider myself to be a part of the fandom, I still can't help but think fondly of the amazing online experiences I've had with all of you. So, with that said, I do hope that you'll check out the series I'm currently working on.
That's right! Bookie hasn't left at all! She's just writing a much more original and queer story about ghosts and witches. I'm very proud of it, which makes me want to share it with the rest of you very much.
If you made it through that wall of text, I bequeath upon you the most delicious of internet cookies and a sparkly tiara. I hope you're looking forward to the rewrite, and good luck going back to school this lovely September. WUVS!!
-Alex (Bookie)