
II: The Unspoken Narrative PREMIERES TODAY AT 7:00 p.m. PST WATCH IT. JUST WATCH IT.


hi beautiful person! I hope you're having a very good day! I mean no disrespect here but if you happen to be looking for something new to read, it'd mean the world to me if u checked out my new book 'freefall'. it's a sweet little young adult romance, with a tinge of humor. if you're not, then feel free to ignore! sorry if i bothered you, i didn't mean to, at all!  thanks :)


@heyyyitsmary No disrespect. I'd love to read your book it sounds interesting and I've been wanting to start a new book. Can't wait to read it.


OK TWO THINGS: 1) To any K-drama fans, can someone please help me. I'm trying to find this specific drama, that I can't for the life of me remember the name of. It's basically about these 5 friends in high school, and they work in the radio station of the school and the main girl likes this one guy, but then ends up falling for his friend. Also the girl and the friend of the guy end up dating and then the whole group goes to the same college, the main couple focusing on English based education, and then the main guy ends up going to the U.S to finish his education abroad and the girl tries to do that, but she never makes the cut and then they break up meet a few years later when they are both don with school and end up getting back together and the friends go back their high school to dig up a time capsule they buried and he proposes to her at the school.That's basically it and I first found it on Netflix, but I can't find it again and that's basically the story so yeah, also the description might say six friends because they meet someone in college. So if you know the title  of this k-drama please let me know.


Ok Never Mind I found out the name of the show it is called Wait my Youth and if you haven't watched it and you are interested in these types of shows I totally recommend it.


Number 2) To any Seaycee fans or just Sean Lew fans. II IS COMING OUT THIS FRIDAY AHHHHHHHHH!!! So be ready. I CAN'T WAIT.


Wait I might be wrong he could be only releasing the date tomorrow


Jerk, Also it's no one. Ha


@Booknerdfantasizer21 noeone cares ,sincerely your sister  (p.s i dont know how to spell noeone )


Hey everyone I have some new that I honestly just wanted to share with everyone because I am honestly so happy and proud of myself. So I'm a senior in high school and I applied to a few colleges and I just heard back from one of them and I GOT IN!!!! I still have to wait to hear from all the rest but I'm just so happy because it means no matter what I am going to college. Ok I'm done you can all go back to your books now.


@Booknerdfantasizer21 Wow!!! Congratulations!!! ❤❤


Hey you guys. I was wondering does anyone know how to make collages for characters? Or how to make covers because I wanna change mine.


Why not you're one every minute of every day. (Love, your sister)


@Booknerdfantasizer21 NO NEED TO BE A BITCH   (love, your sister)